Page 4 of Andrei

“What am I doing here?” She glanced around to fix her eyes on the tranquil lake through the window. “And where the fuck are we?”

“Where we are is irrelevant. I brought you here to keep you alive.”

“Gmphf. For all I know, you’re the one who put me in the hospital in the first place.” She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t for a second think I’ve forgotten your promise, Andrei… to kill us all.”

“You’re wrong. I never promised that. It was just your daughter and only because she murdered my uncle.”

“That bastard deserved what he got.”

“Maybe he did, but none of you realized the time bomb you activated by killing him.”

“What are you talking about?” Her eyes bore into him. “Janos is the one who caused all the problems. Now, he’s dead.” She frowned. “Except if you took it upon yourself to take over where he left off and take the Red Bratva beyond its borders.”

“What do you know about that? No one knew just what he had been planning. I didn’t even know until he forced me to go back to Russia.”

“I thought by now you would’ve learned that I know all and see all, Andrei. I’m disappointed you forgot just who and what I am.” She shrugged. “Besides, he was freely boasting about his plans during my abduction not so long ago. Or did you happen to forget that little shitshow?”

“No, I didn’t, but as I said, none of you realize what you did by killing Janos Smirnoff.”

“So, why don’t you tell me, Andrei?”

“For one thing, your daughter, Vanya Guzun, has become the sole target of every assassin out there, and believe me, the bounty on her pretty little head is so fucking big, they are swarming like hornets into Moldova as we speak.”

Chapter Two

AVV Airpro, chartered cargo service, based at Chi?inau International Airport, Moldova…

“Isus Hristos! Get your goddamn nose out of my ass, Arian. You and Vadim are worse than a giddy proctologist eager to test a new anoscope!Blyad’! I’ve had enough of your meddling.”

“As long as you keep coming to work fucked up on dope, my foot will be so far up your ass, you’ll be wearing diapers for the rest of your miserable life.” Arian clamped a hand around her upper arm as she stumbled over her feet in an attempt to escape her two brothers’ scrutiny.

“Destul, Vanya,” Arian recoiled as an involuntary belch smelling of vodka exploded from her mouth.

“Ah, fuck!” Vadim reeled back. “You reek of booze and stale cum. Did you spend the night getting completely fucked and drunk on a bottle of vodka?”

“One bottle? You obviously don’t know me very well, dear brother,” Vanya smirked as she finally made her way to the chair beside Vadim and fell into it. “At least a couple is more my style.”

The petulant tone and surly expression said it all and conveyed a sense of disillusionment and a lack of faith she now had in humanity. If she wasn’t family, it might have been amusing, considering the Guzun Bratva weren’t known for their magnanimity when crossed. Especially Vanya, who had such a mean streak she had been crownedLa Mafiosa ne plus ultrafrom a young age.

The atmosphere in the room was tense as the two brothers locked eyes in a moment of shared concern. Their sister was coming off the rails.

The Guzun family had been through the wringer the past couple of months. With their mother, Zafira Guzun, in a coma after a failed assassination attempt, they were all struggling to come to terms with the reality of her condition. Vanya, in particular, had relapsed into old habits—boozing, partying, and using drugs. Her own culpability had gouged out a hollow since she believed that if not for her allowing Andrei into her heart, she could have prevented the tragedy that had struck their family.

However admirable of Vanya to take full responsibility for the catastrophic events, her reasoning was based on a theory that veered away from reality. Her belief that she could’ve somehow prevented the attack was so abstract, it resulted in overlooking the more significant factors at play. Her convoluted theory caused her usually sharp mind to ignore the danger they were all facing.

That mortal threat was personified by Andrei Smirnoff, now the Pakhan of the Red Group, the most feared and ruthless Bratva in all of Russia.

“Podvin' eto, Arian. Why am I here? I have a lot of shit to do, not sit around and listen to the two of you lecture me all fucking day.”

“Then stop acting out and wallowing in your own shit,” Vadim barked angrily.

“Ydy do bisa, Vadim!”

“Hell is already way too crowded for my taste, particularly since you’re roaming its hallowed halls 24/7.”

“Ot’ebis, Vadim!”

“Enough! Both of you.” Arian’s bellow cut like a knife through the room, causing Vanya to jerk in fright. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he growled as she promptly started hiccupping—a habit from when she was little, which was always triggered when she was suddenly startled. “Here.” His voice softened slightly as he handed her a glass of water.