Page 51 of Andrei

Meanwhile, ten miles away from the supermax prison, on the way to Casa Circondariale Sassari “Giovanni Bacchiddu” in Sassari, Sardinia…

Hate was an insidious poison as it slowly turned men into monsters. Luciano Maranzano had seen and experienced its corrosive effects firsthand. The way it festered and spread like a sickness while consuming all in its path. He knew intimately the black depths it could drive a man to when fully unleashed.

The months during his trial and afterward, while waiting for his sentencing, had nurtured the bitter seeds of loathing in Luciano’s heart. His rage grew unchecked as it eclipsed all else until he was blinded by the need for revenge. He thought of nothing but making his enemies suffer as he was suffering.

The Guzuns would pay. Andrei Smirnoff would pay. Their arrogance in having him imprisoned here had sealed their fates.

“Little did they know that sending me to this supermax facility was the worst mistake they could have made,” he said sotto voce.

Fools. He had prepared for this possibility long ago. No prison would contain him. The smile on his face was in stark contradiction to the grim darkness glimmering in his eyes. He had warned them… the Guzuns, and that bastard Andrei Smirnoff.

One thing he had learned from an early age was to never embark on any journey without covering all exit points. However much he couldn’t have foreseen being caught and sent to jail, it was an unforeseen possibility for which he had prepared.

Like his father had always said, “Have a backup plan, Son, for every backup plan you have.”

“And I did, Father. I will never see the inside of that fucking supermax prison.”

“Stop your mumbling,” the guard growled, brandishing his rifle threateningly as he swayed along with the transportation van on the bumpy road. “You’re giving me a headache.”

Luciano stared back impassively with his eyes that were fathomless pools of gathering violence.

“I’ll fucking mumble all I want. Go ahead,piccolo uomo debole, hit me. Let’s see if you have the guts,” he taunted with menace dripping from each word.

The guard laughed derisively as he pointed at Luciano’s crotch. “At least I’m still a man. What are you now? A useless eunuch!” His sneering grin exposed rotting teeth. “Ah, with noil pene, you are gonna become the most sought after prisonputtanafrom day one.Si,fresh meat for the inmates.”

Rage exploded through Luciano with the force of a detonation. With a guttural cry, he wrenched at the chains binding him, snapping the links through sheer berserker fury. The guard’s eyes widened in shock and fear.

“Gesù Cristo—” His cry was cut short as the chain whistled through the air before crashing into his face with brutal force. Blood and teeth sprayed as the man’s jaw was ripped from his skull.

Luciano loomed over the convulsing body with his chest heaving. His lips peeled back from his teeth in a gruesome mockery of a smile.

“I am still a fucking man, youstupido cazzo!” he hissed. “Unlike you, I don’t need a swinging dick to prove it.”

Outside, gunshots and screams erupted. His men had arrived right on schedule. Soon, he would walk free, ready to begin his long-awaited war of retribution. The Guzuns would learn the true cost of crossing him. Rivers of blood would flow before he was done.

Luciano waited calmly amid the chaos, watching the guard gurgle his last choked breaths. Blood pooled on the floor of the van, hot and slick. Inhaling deeply, he savored the coppery aroma.

“At least I got to have some fun.”

The doors opened, and with it came the blinding lights of the intercepting vehicles. Luciano didn’t move. He blinked and waited until his eyes readjusted to the sudden brightness.

“We are ready, Capo.”

“Buon lavoro. The time has come.”

Yes, he would have his vengeance against those who wronged him. No mercy would be shown. He would rain fire and death upon them until their twisted, mangled corpses lay broken at his feet.

“Now, we end the reign of the Guzuns, once and for all.” His lips peeled back in a smile of pure evil. “This is only the beginning.”

The End.

Don’t miss the finale of this epic series in Zafira, book 5.

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Read on for the Synopsis of the Comare and Bogdan’s story.

Blurb: Zafira