Page 50 of Andrei

“Unless it’s about the Guzun business, there’s nothing to talk about. You have no responsibility left toward me any longer. Arian appointed a new bodyguard, who I highly approve of. You are too valuable as an advisor to the organization, so I won’t insist Arian strip you of your position, but your services to me have been terminated months ago. I’m done with you, Rusu. I suggest you accept it.”

The ensuing silence throbbed with unspoken words. When he finally replied, his tone was carefully neutral.

“I was never appointed as your bodyguard, Zafira, not by Arian or Viktor, hence no one can dismiss me from a role I never officially occupied.”

She whirled to face him. Surprise was etched on her delicate features.

“What do you mean? Why else would you have stuck to my side like glue all these years?”

“If you have to ask me that question, I might as well buy that fucking speedboat for Vanya and walk away now,” he muttered irritably as he passed a hand over his eyes.

“What speedboat? What are you mumbling about, Bogdan?” Confused, Zafira searched his craggy face.

“It doesn’t matter.” He still hadn’t moved as he bit the words out harshly. Behind the anger, his eyes were bleak with long suppressed emotions she couldn’t decipher over the distance. His jaw turned grim as he exhaled, then continued in a gravelly voice, “You know Andrei isn’t Viktor’s son, so why are you still blaming me for his mistake?”

“I’m not blaming you for his mistake, Bogdan. What I am doing is ridding myself of a man I trusted with my life, and who kept secrets from me, even for years after Viktor died.”

“De dragul dracului, Zafira. Grow up. It happened almost fifty years ago. It wasn’t my story to tell. If anyone is to blame, it’s your dead husband.”

“Don’t you dare bring Viktor into this. He’s dead. Leave him in his grave.”

“Vanya is wrong. You just can’t move on, can you? All these years…” He shook his head, and for the first time since she’d met him, he allowed a sadness to crawl over his face. “I wasted thirty years of my life hoping, missing out on companionship, love, having children because I was waiting… such a fucking waste.”

“Stop talking in riddles, Rusu. Say what you came to say, then leave. I have things to do, and you’re wasting my time… No! Let me go! What are you doing?”

Zafira gasped for breath as suddenly, he was in front of her with one of his huge paws curled around her throat as he pushed her back against the windowpane. Tension was etched in every line of his powerful frame as his hold tightened until she was forced onto her toes.

“Bogdan, stop,” she choked out with tears forming in her eyes. Unbeknown to her it was the fear that was painted over her face that doused his anger. His gaze softened although his hold didn’t. With his thumb, he traced the fullness of her bottom lip.

“So beautiful… and yet so cold.”

“B-Bogdan… please.”

“I’m done, Zafira. We end this now, one way or another.”

“End what?” she croaked, desperately clawing at his hand.

Disappointment was chiseled over his face at her response as the gulf of misunderstanding yawned wide between them.

“You just can’t admit how you…” He sighed. “So be it. I’m done defending myself, and I’m done being your emotional punching bag. You want me out of your life, Zafira? Then so be it... I’m gone.”

With a muffled oath and a final sweep of his rough fingertip over her lip, he released her and walked out with long, measured steps.

Zafira gasped as her legs gave out, and she slowly crumbled to her knees against the glass door. Watching him leave, her heart brimmed with despair. For the first time ever, she had been afraid of him.

Bogdan Rusu, the once gentle giant who would kill to keep her safe, had terrified her.

Not only of him as a man… but because ultimately, he had failed the test—he had failed her.

This had been his one chance to fight for her. To finally admit the love in his heart that her own had silently been begging for over the years.

But he chose the easy way out.

He walked away.

No one stood witness to the raw pain in her eyes as she stared out of the window. There was no one to appreciate the fierce and infallibleComareemotionally breaking down.

The only outward sign was the silvery path of a lone tear trickling down her cheek.