Page 44 of Andrei

“You’ll be sorry you ever touched me, Luciano Maranzano. This time, I’m not passed out. If you think I’ll crumble in a weak puddle once you’re done, you don’t know me very well— Agghh!” The threat ended in a blood-curdling scream as he ruthlessly tapped the knife and pushed it deeper. “I’m gonna fucking kill you,” she sneered. In her mind, she saw him lying in a pool of blood with his own knife buried into his eye.

Patience, Vanya. You can take this. Let him have his way. When he ejaculates, you strike.

“I’m shivering in my boots, dear wife.” Pushing her dress up over her hips, he unzipped his pants.

“Well, just look at that. A match made in heaven.”

“Who the fuck—” Luciano’s surprise gasp at the gravelly voice behind them was still echoing through the room when Andrei’s fist blasted against his cheek, throwing him off Vanya as he fell to the floor.

Scrambling to his feet, he eyed the four men positioned around the room. The only one who presented an immediate threat was Andrei Smirnoff.

“How did you know where to find me?” He took a step back as Arian quickly moved toward Vanya when she moaned and slipped from the table to the floor.

“He fucking stabbed her.” Vadim also rushed closer as Arian’s furious voice was the only answer Maranzano received. “No, leave it in until we can get her safely to a hospital.” Arian stopped Vadim from pulling out the knife. “At least this way, she won’t bleed out.”

“So, that’s how you get your pleasures.” Andrei waited until Arian nodded that Vanya was okay in answer to the questioning look he cast their way. “And to answer your question… finding you was easy since I, too, have many resources.” He smiled. “No matter how much money you dangle in front of men desperate for recognition, there are always ways to make them talk. I would’ve thought, as the mightycapo di tutti i capi,you had learned that lesson long ago.” A negligent shrug ridiculed Maranzano further. “Ah, well, I guess you’re not as imposing as you made us believe, after all.”

“Fuck you, Andrei. You have no idea what you just stepped into. What I am capable of and how much power and support I already have at my fingertips.” Luciano barked out a laugh. “Many of whom have sworn allegiance to you motherfuckers before.”

“And did so again. Or haven’t you heard the latest? No? Well, let me briefly update you. I swayed the majority of those you corrupted to remember why they have always been loyal to the Bratva customs and the freedom they have to rule and decide their own destiny. We are Bratva, Luciano. We don’t bow down to one man. We never have. We never will.” His smile broadened. “And as to what we just stepped in? I guess you’re referring to you being the god everyone so reverently referred to as the one who has the power to rule all… Gareth Sanders. Funny, though. Personally, I think you would’ve gained far more support if they knew the mighty Sicilian Godfather was the one behind it all.”

“You won’t stop me, Smirnoff. Everything is in place. I will be your ruler.” He swiped a hand across the room. “I will rule all of you!”

“Destul, the man has lost his marbles,” Bogdan smirked. “Does he honestly think he’s gonna walk out of here alive?”

“I’m not stupid, Rusu,” Luciano sneered. “I have a secure backup to keep me alive, or did you believe otherwise? There was always the danger that you’d find out about Gareth Sanders and what I’m planning.” He straightened with renewed confidence oozing from him. “If I don’t check in with my operation’s team every hour, you can say goodbye to your belovedComare.” He looked at Vadim. “And your lovely fiancé since she stayed behind to look after her, didn’t she?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Vadim grated with anger boiling inside him at the thought of Sabira getting hurt.

“H-He’s got a missile aimed at Andrei’s house,” Vanya said in a pain-filled voice. She breathed shallowly in an attempt to keep herself calm and her blood flow normal.

“So, go ahead.” Luciano spread his arms as he mocked Andrei. “Take your best shot and kill the love of your life’s dear mommy.”

Andrei laughed. “Sorry to burst your bubble, Maranzano, but they’re not at the house anymore. I had them moved while we were on the way here. So, be my guest, blow up the place. It’s just a house and can be rebuilt. You, on the other hand, don’t need to live to see it happening.” Tapping a finger against the mask covering his eye, he sneered. “It’s time you paid for this, fuckface. Yes.” His smile morphed into a mask of evil intent. “I remembered—you’re the one who shot me.”

With the words floating through the air, he went on the attack. Luciano didn’t have time to prepare himself since Andrei moved so fast, he saw no more than a blur. Pain exploded in his chin as a fist landed with so much force against his jaw that the bone splintered.

“Fanculo! Fuck! Gesù Cristo!” Luciano’s pained curses were muted as he staggered back against the windowpane of the sliding door. It rattled dangerously.

“Let’s dance, motherfucker,” Andrei snarled as he stalked toward Luciano like a predator moving in for the kill. Luciano scrambled to regain his footing, spitting blood as he desperately tried to defend himself, while Andrei proceeded with an onslaught of blows.

The thick smacks of flesh on flesh echoed through the room. Luciano managed to land a few solid hits to Andrei’s ribs, but he didn’t even flinch. He retaliated with a fierce uppercut that snapped Luciano’s head back violently, cracking his jaw further.

“I expected more of a fight, Maranzano,” he taunted. “Or do your lackeys usually do all your dirty work?”

“Fuck you!” Luciano stumbled back. He tasted his own blood flowing freely—metallic and hot in his mouth. He had known he would be outmatched but refused to surrender. Lunging forward, he wrapped his arms around Andrei’s midsection in an attempt to tackle him to the floor.

“Fanculo,” he cursed as a feeling of inferiority swamped him when Andrei was immovable.

“You’ll have to do better than that,” Andrei laughed as he grabbed Luciano by the shirt and flung him effortlessly across the room. His body slammed into the wall with bone-jarring force. For long moments, he lay there, dazed and struggling to breathe through his mangled nose and mouth. As he looked up and saw Andrei looming over him with his eyes alight in controlled fury, he envisioned the gates of hell opening up for him.

“Prepare to meet your maker, motherfucker.”

“That’s enough,” Arian said firmly as he stepped forward and grabbed Andrei's hand that was now fisted around his K-bar aimed for the death strike.

“He deserves to die,” Andrei retorted with clenched teeth. “Not only for what he did to me but for Vanya.”

“Yes, he does, but he’ll suffer more by spending the rest of his life in prison.”