Page 17 of Andrei

However much she had to endure to rid herself of the toxins, today was the first time she sensed an awakening that left her feeling refreshed.

“If Bogdan thinks he’s gonna keep me locked in here to endure any more humiliation, he’s in for a surprise. I can feel it in my bones… I’m clean now. Today is the day I rise from the ashes and start the road to reclaim my rightful position as the Mafiosa Princess of the Guzun Bratva. Let anyone dare to stand in my way.”

Her resolve hardened with each passing moment. A fire ignited within her to prove to her brothers that she was ready to turn over a new leaf. She meticulously dressed herself, slipping into a pair of snug-fitting jeans that accentuated her long legs, a crisp white silk shirt that clung to her curves, and platform sneakers for a couple of extra inches to boost her confidence. Pleased with the transformation, she took a moment to study herself in the mirror.

“How could I have allowed myself to sink so low?” she muttered in acknowledgment that this had been the worst relapse of her life. If not for Bogdan’s gentle coaxing, clawing her way back into the light would’ve been much harder.

“It’s not over. I need to stay clean,” she murmured. There was still a long road ahead, but at least now, she possessed the willpower to fend off any cravings that might threaten to derail her progress.

“Not happening again. Not ever,” she vowed with her gaze fixed on the reflection of her perfectly made-up face in the mirror. “I’m done making a fool of myself and filling my body with poison. Besides,” she added as a shadow of guilt crept over her face. “I have the perfect incentive—finding my mother.”

Vanya wasn’t naive and realized her journey to redemption had only just begun but was resolute to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As soon as she found her mother, she would once again fill her rightful place in the Guzun organization.

“Here goes nothing,” she murmured as she turned the doorknob slowly, her heart pounding in anticipation—not that she was scared of Bogdan, but it always paid to be mindful. As the door creaked open, she cautiously peered down the dimly lit hallway, half-expecting Bogdan, already hidden in the shadows, to jump out and intercept her should she try to make a run for it. The vision of this comedic skit caused such an abrupt outburst of laughter to possibly reveal her whereabouts, she quickly had to grip and clench shut her mouth to stifle any sudden urge from happening again.

She had worried unnecessarily as the early hour meant that the house was cloaked in silence, and everyone was still likely asleep.

“Hmm,” she moaned as a low growl rumbled through her hungry stomach. It had become so familiar a pang that she had learned long ago to chemically assuage it. That option was no longer available. Hunger surged through her with newfound urgency. For the first time in weeks, food took precedence over thoughts of the next fix.

“Well, here we go. Taking charge once again.” She squared her shoulders and with newfound strength, stepped onto the tiled staircase to descend with the soft click of each footfall echoing through the narrow passageway.

“Hmm, heaven is waiting,” she hummed as she approached the dining room. The tantalizing aroma of breakfast filled her nostrils, sending her taste buds into a frenzy of anticipation. At least the chef wasn’t as lazy as the rest of the people in the house.

“Ah, I love this room.” She sat at the dining table and luxuriated in the warmth of the incandescent morning light. The second cup of coffee rested in her hand, its steam lazily curling upward, while her plate was an indication of her prodigious appetite—bacon, eggs, and crispy hash browns stacked high. She savored each bite, an indulgence she had denied herself for too long.

She stiffened at the sound of approaching footsteps. Though soft, they carried an undeniable weight that set her senses on high alert.Ugh… here we go!She steeled herself for the impending confrontation.

“So, you finally dragged yourself from bed,” she said in a playful lilt around a mouthful of food, then nearly choked when Bogdan responded with no more than a grunt. She turned sharply to look at him. “What? No Gestapo-inspired interrogation as to Vhy are you not in your schlafzimmer, Fraulein? Did you misplace your whips, handcuffs, archive rod and chains, mein Herr?”

Bogdan ignored the bait and focused squarely on the buffet spread. He settled into a chair opposite her before his eyes met hers briefly as he took a sip of his coffee. The air between them was charged with unspoken anticipation.

“Why would I?” he finally replied, his tone blunt and matter-of-fact. “Arian wanted you clean in two weeks. I made sure you would be. So, if you hadn’t come down by yourself this morning, I would’ve kicked your ass down the stairs.”

She slumped in her chair with disappointment etching across her features.

“Woe to me for expecting at least a well done from you,” she mumbled.

“Not that it’s necessary, but since you seem to have developed a fragile disposition, I will.” His voice softened. “You did very well, Princess. I’m proud of you.” Within the blink of an eye, his voice turned steely. “But this time, I’m going to keep watch over you. You will not slip again, Vanya. Not on my watch.”

“Don’t worry, Bogdan. I’ve no intention of doing any such thing.” She smiled wryly with gratitude shimmering in her eyes. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Bogdan, usually a man of few words, allowed his emotions to shine through in this moment.

“For caring so much.” Sincerity colored her voice. “And for saving me from my brother’s wrath.”

“You’re like a daughter to me, Princess. I will always protect you, and if the need ever arises, give my life for you.” His deep-set eyes revealed the genuine affection he held for her.

“No! Don’t you dare say that.” Vanya’s expression shifted to one of horror. “Do you hear me, Bogdan? I will never expect you to take a bullet for me. In fact, if you ever dare to do that, I will haunt you until your dying day.”

“What a pleasant prospect.” Bogdan chuckled.

“I’m serious, Bogdan. Promise me. I’ll never be able to live with the guilt.”

“It’s not up for debate, Vanya.” His expression turned impassive, thereby signaling the end of the discussion.

“Well, then I’ll have to return the favor,” she said blithely.

“No, little lady, you won’t.” Frowning, Bogdan rose purposefully as the ringing of the doorbell prevented further discussion. “The guards at the gate know to warn me ahead of time when someone arrives.”