Page 100 of Redemption

“I hope Maximus is okay,” I murmur almost to myself, chewing at my bottom lip.

“He’s fine, angel,” Adrian says, his fingers teasing through my curls from behind me.

“Max?”I project to him, needing to make sure. A feeling of unease washes over me, the sensation crawling under my skin like there’s something I’m missing, like this won’t feel truly over until we take this last step.

“Princess,”Maximus answers almost immediately, his tone a deep rumble even in my mind. Hearing that alone helps ease some of the tension thrumming through me.“I’ll meet you by the entrance.”

“He’s meeting us by the arena,” I say out loud, and Adrian groans behind me.

“Lucky bastard.”

I narrow a glare at him over my shoulder as we near the bottom of the hill, already knowing the thoughts going through his head. Despite how much they love each other as brothers, I know now that there’ll always be some shred of friendly rivalry.

My hand slips from Mateo’s as we near the arena, and the massive, hulking form of my god of destruction comes into view. I run towards him, nearly jumping into his arms as I embrace him. His thick arms wrap around me, cocooning me against his chest. My heart warms as a wave of comfort washes over me, grateful for my gruff yet loving mate and everything he does for me.

“I should’ve stayed too,” Mateo grumbles, claping a hand on Maximus’ shoulder. “How did everything go this morning?”

“It was fine,” Maximus grunts, his arms reluctantly easing away from me. He tucks me against his side instead as we face the others, neither of us willing to let go just yet. “No sign of Kallen.”

“I feel like we should stop saying his name,” Adrian whispers, his shoulder rising to his ears as though just the sound of Kallen’s name is sending shivers skittering up his spine. “We’re just asking for problems. What if it’s likeBeetlejuice?”

“Adrian,” I groan, giving him a warning look, which he laughs off. I don’t want to admit it though, but I’m starting to think the same thing. How long will the god of storms really be able to stay away for? I guess ignorance is bliss and all that.

It’s been like this since the battle two days ago. After everything that’s happened, I can’t stand not being close to my guys. We were so close to losing everything, and it still feels like it’s all a dream. Which is exactly why today needs to happen—the final nail in Romulus’ coffin.

“And the others?” I ask hesitantly, wishing I could have been there with him earlier, but I had to make sure Helene wasn’t able to get away with what she’s done. And despite having that same bloodthirsty taste for retribution, especially when it comes to Helene, Maximus stayed behind to both guard the school and dig the graves of those who didn’t make it, ensuring they were buried peacefully.

“Everything went as planned.” He looks to the arena, where just on the other side of the massive structure lie the graves of the fallen, their bodies already put to rest before the memorial ceremony today. We lost fifty-seven guardians and demigods that day, including Domenic, and each of their lives will be honored and celebrated.

I give him another tight squeeze—a silent thanks for being there when I couldn’t, for being there to bury Domenic when both shame and guilt still spiral in my gut. But like Agathon showed today, everyone has free will, everyone makes their own choices. I wish I had seen the signs and helped to draw him back from going down that dark road with Helene, but it was his choice—as was the decision to jump in front of Kali.

I suck in a sharp breath and nod, not wanting this dark cloud of sorrow to continue looming over me. Today is a day of remembrance and celebration.

“Turn that frown upside down,” Adrian says, his fingers poking the side of my mouth and pushing them up. I can’t help but laugh at his attempt, which I’m sure was his goal in the first place. “Everyone went into that battle knowing what could happen, and Kyros here saved so many people that would’ve been lost if he was on that battlefield instead.”

Adrian claps Kyros on the back, and my god of healing’s cheeks redden, a small smile highlighting his dimples perfectly. The look makes my heart melt and a genuine smile spreads across my face, full of love, joy, and life. I’m beyond lucky to have these four incredible men in my life.

“I should get to your mother,” my father says, his voice breaking through the moment. Heat rises to my cheeks as I almost forgot he was here with us.

At least we didn’t do anything too cringe-worthy in front of him.

“We’ll be right in.” I smile back at him, grateful for my family too. Having him and Octavia with me has helped these last few days despite all the shuffling and meetings they’ve had to attend.

“Take your time,” he assures, smiling back at me. A glint of pride shines in his sea-green eyes before he waves goodbye to the others and makes his way into the arena.

“Hi, Headmaster Kyros,” one of the students says in greeting as he passes, waving with a wide smile on his face.

Kyros waves back with a polite smile and we all attempt to suppress our laughter … until he passes at least. “Really?” Kyros asks incredulously, his eyes narrowing on each of us as a giggle slips past my lips and I slap a hand over my mouth.

“Yes, really,” Mateo says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

“We’re not laughing at the fact that you’re the headmaster, but at the way it seems to get under your skin,” I explain amongst the muffled laughter of the others.

“No,” Adrian corrects, “That’s why Liv’s laughing. The rest of us are definitely laughing at you.”

“Thanks so much, guys,” Kyros grumbles, narrowing a glare on his brother that lacks any real heat. “It’s only going to be temporary, until we can find a demigod who’s more suitable for the position.”

“I think you’re exactly the headmaster the students need right now,” I say, pulling away from Mateo and Maximus.