Page 96 of Redemption

My shadows burst forth, knocking both of my parents back, and I charge forward, my plan unfolding just as I knew it would. A sinister grin twists on his lips as he holds the dagger before him, readying to plunge the steel straight into my heart I assume.

“Olivia!” my parents scream, but I keep the shield up, pushing all my power into holding it in place.

I throw my sword to the side as he plunges the dagger straight for my chest. His fist punches against my ribcage, while I plunge the dagger into his heart, twisting the cold metal for good measure before I yank it free.

The grin slowly slips from his face, and his brows furrow as he searches my chest, clearly confused when he doesn’t see a gaping hole where he punched me. His gaze flicks down to his own chest, the adrenaline pumping through his veins keeping him from feeling the pain until his eyes lock on the mortal wound piercing through where his heart should be.

“You,” he breathes, blood already spurting from his lips the moment he opens them. He presses his hand against his heart, his light brown eyes shifting from the blood oozing through his fingers to the same blood coating the dagger.

“Yes, me,” I say, keeping my distance as I watch the life slowly draining from his face. “You thought I didn’t notice you reaching for the dagger and slipping it free. Why do you think I let you get so close to me in the first place?”

“Bitch,” he spits out, his energy slipping away as he falls to his knees. He wheezes as he draws in another breath, his body barely holding on at this point as he desperately tries to cling on to the shred of life still flickering in his chest.

“Call me whatever you want, Romulus. I’m the one that’s still breathing. And you’re the one who’s about to answer to the fates for all of your crimes. I really hope there’s a hell dimension made specially for you.” I send a splash of water over the blade, clearing the blood from its surface. Even the dagger doesn’t want it.

“See you there.” His voice is almost a murmur now, the sound barely making it past the blood clogging his throat.

“Hopefully not any time soon.” A smile plays across my lips as he slumps on the ground, the red blood spilling onto the grass quickly turning black as he takes his last breath, his body going still with the last of his remaining shred of a soul fleeing his body.

“Olivia,” my father calls to me, desperately trying to make it past the bubble I formed around them.

“I still have one god left,” I say, turning to where Mateo was fighting Kallen just moments ago. They both seemed to stop and watch those last few moments between Romulus and me since Mateo is mere feet from me. I should’ve known he was about to step in. But Kallen...

Hatred brims in his dark blue eyes as he stares back at me, but instead of unleashing his fury upon me, he turns for the rift, quickly dashing through the tear in the realm while he still can.


I quickly release my parents but it’s too late. As the shadows clear, Kallen is already on the other side of the tear, pinning me with a scathing glare through the shrinking gap.

“I’ll go after him,” Octavia says, her hand reaching for the dagger, but by the time I look back he’s already gone, his form dissipating away on a silent wind.

“There’s no use.” I sigh and sheath the dagger back at my side. “I guarantee he won’t be sticking around in the infernal realm.”

“You’re right.” Octavia wraps her arm around my shoulder and tugs me against her side. “Please never do that again.”

“I make no promises.” I chuckle, returning the embrace.

“The rift is closed and the wards won’t allow anyone to dissipate out of here,” my father says as he strides over to us. His lips press into a thin line, yet I can see the deep sense of relief in his sea-green eyes. I know I’m going to hear an earful for the stunt that I just pulled, but I don’t regret it.

I glance down at Romulus’ lifeless form splayed on the ground, almost not believing this is real.

“I feel like we might need to burn it for good measure.” I grimace, not sure I’ll ever trust that he’s truly gone, not with Kallen lurking somewhere in the universe.

“I agree,” Mateo says as he stands on my other side, the four of us watching Romulus like he’s about to turn into a zombie and try to eat our brains.

“I really don’t think that’s a bad idea,” my father says, and places a shield over the body. That simple act seems to dispel some of the unease thrumming through me.

“We did it,” I breathe, needing to say the words aloud to really believe it.

“You did it,” my mother corrects, and Mateo nods his head in agreement.

“Yes you did, and even though I want to yell at you for keeping us out, I’ve never been prouder,” my father says, a smile spreading across his face as pride beams in his eyes.

“I hate to ruin the moment, little mate, but we still have work to do.” Mateo gives me a teasing grin as he motions to the battle still waging on around us. It’s barely a battle now though, with dark gods and demigods surrendering, and the princes finishing off the last of the demons who remained.

“You’re right,” I agree, summoning a new sword in my palm with a resurgence of energy. “Let’s go finish this, once and for all.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight