Page 93 of Redemption

Behind her, Lucas and Katrina are already clearing a path with the help of a few light gods, one with the same red hair as Kali.

“I’ll be back soon.” I squeeze Kali’s hand one last time before I let go.

“Make her pay, Liv,” Kali breathes, vengeance flickering in her blue eyes as she looks up at me. I can only nod solemnly as I wipe away the tears from my cheeks, and latch onto that desire for revenge, letting it fill my own heart. The power fills me, strengthening my muscles and urging me on.

Helene will pay, but I have no plans to kill her. No, that would be too easy. I want her to deal with the consequences of her own actions and live with the guilt of killing her own blood sister’s son.

Black smoke wreaths my arms, ready to take direction as I launch myself back into the fray.

Maximus thankfully seems to be back to full strength, having taken a few dark gods down in the time I was fighting with Helene, and now he’s moved back to head off the god of sea before she tries to attack again.

At least that’s one thing I can feel grateful about right now.

Helene screams as I approach her, fury brimming in her eyes like this is somehow my fault. “I’m going to kill you!”

“I’d like to see you try, sea bitch.” My shadows stream from my arms and come to a stop at Maximus’ side, spearing for her and breaking through the pathetic air magic she wraps around herself in an attempt to shield herself.

The shadows eat through her defenses and absorb the energy like it’s nothing more than fuel. A scream tears from her lips as the shadows mimic her attack that Domenic took for our friends. The sound is so filled with terror it only serves to drive the fury feeding my shadows higher as they wrap around her throat, tightly cinching around it before they force their way past her lips, suffocating her and drowning her at the same time. She drops to her knees and I let her feel the fear Domenic must have felt as I pull the dagger from my side, brandishing it for her as she’s helpless to do anything to stop me. The rubies glint in the sunlight as I walk towards her.

“You’re not worth the energy it would take to kill you,” I whisper in her ear before the shadows snap her neck, just like Domenic’s.

“I can do it if you need me to, princess,” Maximus says as he places a warm hand on my shoulder and we stare at Helene’s broken, crumpled form lying lifeless on the cobblestone.

“That would be too easy for her.” I sheath the dagger back to my side and shift the weight of my sword into my dominant hand. “She did this all for her sister, right? I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she learns it was all for nothing and her sister turns on her for killing her son.”

“I like the way you think.” He places a kiss on the top of my head while he waves above us to signal Nyssa.

Warm air brushes against us as Nyssa lowers herself within earshot, her golden binds wrapping around Helene and a few other dark gods Maximus has downed. “You really took down the wicked witch of the sea.” She laughs, shaking her head in amusement. “Maybe we do have a shot after all.”

“Such confidence,” I say with feigned admonishment as I look up at her.

“What can I say? I’m a realist.” She chuckles. “I think they might need you back at the other end though.” Her blue hair whips around her as she lifts herself into the air, dragging the unmoving bodies along behind her.

“You should go,” Maximus says. I look around, my lips parting as I’m about to argue, but he cuts me off. “I’ll stay and help with the last of the dark gods here, but you know where you’re supposed to be.”

I suck in a deep breath and nod, glancing back to where my friends were a few moments ago. It seems like they’ve removed Domenic’s body and are off to the side of the battle—safe, at least for the time being.

“I’ll look after them,” he assures me, drawing my attention back to him.

“And you’ll look after yourself,” I say in warning, my brow lifting and daring him to argue.

“Only if you promise to get back to me safe and in one piece.” He lifts his brows in challenge, waiting for me to break first.

I shake my head and lean up, meeting him halfway as his lips collide with mine, searing me with a toe-curling kiss despite the war waging on around us.

Yeah, I broke my no-kissing-until-after-the-battle rule, but so what. That was so worth it.

“Now go,” he says as his lips break from mine, and reaches around to give me a firm tap on the ass.

I can’t help the grin that spreads across my lips as my wings unfurl from against my back, lifting me into the air in one swoop. “You’ll pay for that, god of destruction.”

“I’d love to see you try to make me pay, princess,” he growls back, his heated emerald eyes hard on mine as I turn to find to the rest of my family, knowing my friends will be safe with Maximus by their side.

I pull my shields around me tightly as I fly over the battle, taking stock of the tide that has turned. We were able to make a huge dent in the number of dark gods among the students, freeing up others to battle against the demons. I tug on my connection to Adrian, finding his true form amongst his clones as he takes out demon after demon. The sheer numbers make me grimace as I survey the field. They’ve stopped coming from the rift, but there are still hundreds of them. I send a spear of shadows towards a demon at Adrian’s back, halting my flight to make sure it pierces the thick scales. The purple demon collapses to the ground, drawing Adrian’s attention just as my shadows drift back. He tracks the trail up to me and gives me a salute and a wink in thanks.

I can’t help but grin at him as he launches into battle with the next one, but it quickly fades as a group of four demons surround a light god near the edge of the trees. I grimace as I look between the battle waging between my parents and Romulus and the light god getting mauled by the demons, but my wings are already aiming me towards the trees before I’ve even consciously made my decision. I need to thin out their numbers.

I land behind the group of demons and immediately send a lasso of golden light around them, using the power of justice to yank them away from the blonde god. I spot another unconscious form beside her as she crouches over him, trying to shield him from the demons. Red flashes through the rips in her shirt, the blood already starting to ooze from the tears their claws have left.