Page 81 of Redemption

“The spell requires the blood of the caster, and the greatest sacrifice of all,” Kallen answers for him, refusing to tear his gaze from his brother. “Romulus would never come here willingly, he’d die before he let his blood be used to save another, and if the death doesn’t happen here, the spell won’t be broken.”


The word echoes through me, draining the blood from my face as I look at my brother. His throat bobs as he looks at the ground, still refusing to meet anyone’s gaze.

“We can find another way,” I say, shock freezing me in place as reality slams into me.

Titus was about to sacrifice himself.

“There is no other way,” Titus breathes, his light brown eyes flicking up to mine finally. “The spell is draining Maximus’ lifeforce and giving his power to Romulus. If I don’t do this now, there’ll be more casualties than just the god of destruction.”

I suck in a sharp breath, my gaze immediately running over my mate and taking in just how much he seems to be getting worse, even in the last few minutes. I wouldn’t be surprised if Romulus found a way to speed up the draw to help in the battle.

It makes sense now, how he was able to inflict so much damage. Before Mateo even went with him, he was stealing Maximus’ power.

My lips part and I’m about to protest again, my eyes locking onto Kallen’s back as a last resort, when a strangled cry reverberates through the cave. The sound pierces my soul as Nelle screams, desperately trying to fight her way past my god of healing.

Titus’ chest wracks with a silent sob as he turns from her, not even allowing himself to look in her direction as he lifts the blade.

“No!” Kallen screams, scrambling to his feet at the same moment Nelle breaks free. I wrap my will around the dagger, attempting to yank the blade back to me, to figure this out, but just as I latch onto the bond, the three of them are tangled, their arms twined in a mess of limbs I can’t tell who is where.


I can’t risk the blade nicking someone.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Nelle screams. She elbows Kallen out of the way and wraps her hands around the hilt just as Titus brings it towards his heart. The dagger slices through his shirt just as a bright light bursts from Nelle’s chest, enveloping them both in a blinding blaze.

“Nelle, Titus!” I shout, raising my hand to shield my eyes.

Hands grasp for me, pulling me against a firm chest. Kyros.

Cold dread washes over me as a scream tears from Nelle’s lips, but I still can’t make out anything around me. The white light fills the entire cave, nearly having the same effect as if it was pitch black.

Slowly, the light begins to fade and both Kyros and I start forward, needing to get to Nelle and Titus. I nearly stumble over Kallen’s form crumpled on the floor, his body curled in on itself as he rocks back and forth.

I blink against the light as it fades, trying to keep myself going as my eyes burn. I don’t have any time to let my vision adjust, not when I have no idea what the hell that even was.

Nelle and Titus both come into focus, and relief slams into me. Falling to the cave floor beside her, I wrap Nelle up in my arms, yet she refuses to let go of Titus. Her hands are balled into fists, desperately clenching the sides of his ripped shirt as she jerks him.

“Penelope,” Titus murmurs, his hands wrapping around hers and holding them there, as though he never wants her to let go.

Kyros stoops down too, placing himself just behind Titus to support his weight. Titus sags against him, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as though he was barely holding onto enough strength to keep him upright.

“What happened?” I look between the two of them, my brows knitting together as I clamp down on the millions of questions that flit through my mind.

“Liv,” Maximus murmurs, his hand shakily grabbing my shoulder as he pulls himself up.

His hand... I almost don’t believe it’s real as his strong thick fingers grip my skin, the warmth sinking into me and sparking something I hadn’t let myself admit was missing with him locked in that spell.

My chest shakes with silent sobs as I look at him. This has to be real. Tears well in my eyes, blurring my vision, but I quickly blink them away, needing to see clearly to make sure my mind isn’t playing tricks on me. His emerald eyes are soft as they meet mine, a million words passing between us with just a look as he swipes his thumb under my eye and catches a stay tear about to roll down my cheek.

If Maximus is free, that must mean …

I tear my eyes from Max and focus on Titus and where I saw the dagger slice through his shirt at least. Nelle grips either side of his shirt, silent tears rolling down her cheeks as her eyes are locked on the spot where it’s split, yet I don’t see a gaping hole in his skin or even a slash of blood. There does seem to be a raised scar there now though, red blood smeared on either side of it as if …

My gaze flicks to Nelle’s hands spotting the bright hue on her palms.

My brows knit together as I try to figure out the pieces of this puzzle lying at my feet. I saw that blade cut Titus, but if it did, how is he still breathing? And if he’s still breathing, how is Maximus out of his makeshift cage?