“Oh, you’ll get all the tea and more … after we go for a run,” I say, waggling my eyebrows at her. The smile falls right off her face as I drop the real reason for my plans, and she scowls back at me.
The others laugh behind me as I race towards the stairs, heading her off before she can catch up to me.
“I hate you so much right now,” she grumbles, stomping along after me.
“No you don’t,” I call back to her, racing up the stairs as she trudges behind me, a string of curses slipping from her lips with every step she takes.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Iinhaleastaggeredbreath and look up at the school, remembering the first day I laid eyes on this place. A smile curls on my lips as I remember the way my heels sunk into the grass and Adrian had to change them to flat gladiator sandals just to get me out. The sun shone off the white marble just as it does now. I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but strangely somehow this place already felt like home.
The statues line the large entryway, and I can’t help but laugh when I realize just who they are. With everything going on, I don’t think I gave them another thought since I first got here and remarked that one of them looked familiar. At first glance, I couldn’t make out the facial features, especially while trying to cope with my entire world being tossed upside down, but now I can clearly make out the face of my father staring back at me.
Dammit, I was faced with the truth this whole time, and I completely missed it. In my defense though, the carved face barely looks like him now with the shoulder length hair and beard he used to have.
The rest of the statues are the other light majors, Orrin, Nyssa, Phillipa, and Mateo. My smile grows wider as I land on my god of war, his stature large and intimidating, with his imposing glare hewn in the stone.
“I’m glad to see you smiling, angel,” Adrian says, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I lean back against him, grateful for this moment of peace before all hell breaks loose … literally.
“I was just remembering my first day here,” I say, glancing up at him over my shoulder with a pointed look. He winces and gives me a chagrined grin.
“That first day feels like it was both yesterday and a century ago.” Adrian places a kiss on my cheek and backs away. A chill runs down my spine and I almost step back into him, but I know it’s almost time.
I glance back up at the school, knowing exactly why my focus had drifted to the marble statues lining the entrance … because I was trying to take my mind off the thousands of students, demigods, gods, and guardians gathered in front of it, ready and waiting for Romulus and his dark forces. A sob racks my chest at the sight of them, and I quickly avert my gaze, turning to look over the hill to the arena down below.
“We have the two-prong attack ready for when Romulus strikes,” Mateo says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side. I inhale a steady breath and nod, seeing hundreds more at the bottom of the hill, ready to attack from behind. “I promise this will work.”
“I trust you,” I breathe, smiling softly at him. If anyone knows what they’re doing in a battle, it’s him.
“Good. Now get Maximus back here and let’s unleash everything we have on these assholes.” Mateo grins and slaps me lightly on the ass.
I playfully shove him away, grateful for my mates helping to lighten the mood. I wish we could’ve done this without the students being put in danger, but I have to trust that they’ve had the best training they could possibly get.
My heart warms as my god of healing clasps my hand, just his touch helping to soothe the anxious energy thrumming through me. He did this. He got the students ready, and helped to rally the gods to give us all the best shot.
I honestly don’t know what I’d do without these men by my side.
“Good thing you never have to figure that out,”Adrian projects to me, and only then do I realize that I sent that thought out to all my guys.
My cheeks heat and I nod, giving them all a grateful smile, my heart and soul so full with them in my life.
“Olivia,” Kali calls out as footsteps pound behind me, and I turn to find my friends rushing forward.
They’re decked in their battle gear, and my stomach twists slightly at the sight. Cora had made up uniforms for everyone from loose fitting black material—lightweight enough to move around in, but with enough magical material sewn within it to shield from attacks to the vital organs. There’s a crest emblazoned on it, which I’m sure some of the gods aren’t very happy with. A golden shield with an ‘O’ in the center, written in flowy script is stitched into the right side of each of the shirts, for Osias Academy.
I rush over to Kali, Zina, Lucas, and Stacia, meeting them halfway and wrapping them each in a tight hug. Katrina lingers a few steps behind, and we both awkwardly smile at each other, not sure what else to do now that our two groups have combined.
Mateo waves to me and turns back to Adrian and Kyros, the three of them seemingly deep in their own conversation.
“I’m so sorry about Max,” Kali whispers, peeking around at the few demigods and guardians that linger near us. I grimace but nod in thanks, wanting to keep the news quiet. Nelle must have told them last night. Only the high-ranking officials know about Maximus being trapped in the infernal realm. Everyone else was told that we received intel that Romulus would be attacking today.
Zina clasps Lucas’ hand, the two of them leaning on each other for support.
“Do you think Domenic will be here?” Lucas asks grimly, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. I can already tell by the way the others awkwardly shuffle, this is something they’ve been discussing and agonizing over.
I wince but I don’t want to sugarcoat this for them. Not when they might come face-to-face with him on the battlefield. I don’t want them to end up getting hurt because of it.