Page 63 of Redemption

“Not the time,” Mateo growls, the thud of a smack echoing through what’s left of the surrounding trees.

I don’t rise to his baiting, not even bothering to pause as I stomp away and dissipate mid-step. My body reforms in my office at the school, and I sigh a breath of relief, letting the tension that had been building ever since I turned on Titus, seep away as I take in the familiar surroundings. I sink into my plush office chair and turn on the computer, immediately searching for every book that references traps or invisible barriers and writing down their locations on a sheet of paper.

I should really start cataloging all these tomes into an online database—if we make it through this of course. It would’ve really made all the research I’ve had to do in the last few months a lot easier.

My anger seeps away as I stride amongst the stacks in the library, my mind focused on finding all the books on my list. That is until I spot the seat I brought Olivia to when I healed her ankle on that first day we met. I still remember her shock as the mate bond stretched between us, solidifying the moment we locked eyes. She of course didn’t know it yet, but I did. I knew she was mine from the very first minute I laid eyes on her, and I’m not going to let her down now.

My resolve strengthens as I remember my mate, making a silent vow to her here and now. I will find a way to free Maximus. I will find a way to finish this war and get us to the other side of this. I want that happy ending I pictured as we walked through our home in Ethereal. Olivia’s eyes lit up as she took in our home, our future. We may have lost one place that felt like home, but there’s no way in infernal that I’m going to let Romulus or his sons take Ethereal from us.

I murmur a string of ancient words and clicks ring out around the large library as the locks engage on all of the doors and windows, shutting everyone else out. With everything going on, I doubt any of the students will want to spend their free time in here, but just in case, I need to keep my focus.

I’m not leaving this room until I find an answer, until I find a way to rescue Maximus and bring Olivia back to where she belongs.

My mate needs to come back to where her family and friends are, and I know she won’t step foot out of that cave until we have a plan in place.

Chapter Nineteen


Iclosemyeyesto concentrate my power on the pile of debris before me, yet I can’t help but replay Kyros’ insults in my mind over and over again like a song on repeat. A really shitty song.

I wanted to trust Kallen. I wanted to believe that he was ready to change, to see the error in Romulus’ way of thought, the horrors he has put countless people through, but I guess I was wrong. I exhale a long breath, trying to concentrate again. There’s enough vengeance floating through the air to spur me on, to make my powers kick into overdrive, so why can’t I focus on the books I need?

Dammit, Kyros. I peel open my eyelids and assess the damage, hating the thought that lingers in the back of my mind that this was my fault. I might have been on the outside looking in, but I saw how much this place meant to them. I could see how at home they were, despite the fact that I’m sure most of them hated that they were placed at the school. But the fates aligned since if they hadn’t been, things could’ve turned out a lot differently.

Things could’ve turned a lot different for all of us.

Slamming my fist into the packed earth, I replay every conversation I’ve had with Kallen over the last few days. He seemed distant of course, I felt the distance even between us, but I believed him when he told me it was because he was adjusting. I felt that too. Living here, being out of the infernal realm, it’s both a blessing and a curse. It had been so long that I wasn’t sure I was ever going to get out of that desolate land. And now, being amongst the light gods, our home that we left behind so long ago, it seems like both a dream and a nightmare.

I don’t enjoy the uneasy look I get from guardians and demigods alike though. And the gods … well most of them just outright scowl at me.

But I thought we were adjusting together, getting used to our new home, our future. I guess I was wrong. It was nice to have someone who at least understood how I felt, but now—now I have no one.

I roll my shoulders and push those thoughts from my mind, knowing that’s not true. I came here to repair my relationship with Octavia and Olivia, and my sister needs me to do this. I owe it to them to get them the answers they’re looking for.

I just wish Kyros hadn’t been such a dick. Not because I don’t deserve it, but because it’s distracting me.

“Any luck?” Mateo asks, calling down from the edge of the crater.

“Not yet,” I call back, frowning at the wreckage in front of me.

Honestly, at this point it might just be easier if I go through each piece of rubble piece by piece. I still don’t know how he was able to do this. Sure he can use the power of destruction, but he’s never had this level of control. He could maybe destroy the front entrance, but nothing like this.

“Do you really think you’re going to be able to find anything in there?” he asks, badgering me with another question.

“Maybe this would go a lot smoother if you stopped asking questions,” I say, wishing he’d just leave.

“If you say so,” Mateo calls back.

My brows knit together and I turn to look if he’s left—nope.

“I don’t need a babysitter,” I remind him, closing my eyes again as I try to concentrate.

“Oh I know, but you might just need a bodyguard if Kyros comes back for you.” Mateo chuckles. The sound of his laughter grates on my nerves, making my eyes pop open to stare at him incredulously.

“Yeah, right. What is he going to do? Heal me to death,” I scoff, shaking my head in disbelief.
