Page 29 of Redemption

“Mateo, what’s going on?” one of the female gods shouts to my mate, the name immediately snapping me from my thoughts as I realize he’s nearly caught up to me.

“We’ll see in a second,” he grinds out, finally catching up to me. “Dammit, Liv.”

He wraps his hand around my wrist as though he’s about to pull me to a stop, but I yank it out of his grasp before he can get a good hold. “I have to get to my father.”

I push my power to my limbs, my muscles working overtime as I weave through the crowd and put even more distance between us.

Did Kallen lead the dark gods here?

The narrow road opens up ahead, but I slow my pace as the throng of people grows too dense to move around.

“Liv,” Mateo shouts ... from above me. A gust of air rushes past me as Mateo lands beside me, his large golden wings automatically retreating into his back in the tight quarters.

I should have thought of that, dammit. I could’ve been there by now.

“Mateo, I have to—”

“I know, little mate, but there’s no way in the infernal that we’re ever going to let you go alone,” Mateo says, wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me close to him. Together, we follow the wall of people into the open courtyard before the summit.

I pull in a deep breath, some of the tightness from my chest easing now that we aren’t packed in like sardines. Mateo pulls us off to the side, and I scan the distance, searching for—there.

At the top of the marble stairs to the summit, I spot a few familiar faces, and one in particular that I’m going to destroy if this is his attempt at an attack.

“Liv, Mateo,” Adrian shouts, and I turn as Maximus shoulders his way through the bottleneck of people apparently second-guessing their decision to rush over here at the last second.

“The stairs.” I point, already pulling out of Mateo’s grip and hurtling towards the summit. I don’t use my powers this time, not wanting Mateo to swoop down on me again. The guys keep pace with me, and we bolt to the summit, maneuvering around the crowds of people littered over the courtyard. Some look as though they’re already preparing for battle, while others look on in shock, completely confused as to what they should be doing.

Well, at least this can act as a fire drill because if it was Romulus’ troops banging on the gates, I’m sure we wouldn’t stand a chance with this lot.

Gods and demigods shout as we pass them, but I ignore them, unsure what they’re even trying to say. We take the stairs, and I push a bit of power into my legs now that I’m at a disadvantage while the guys leap up them two or three at a time with their longer legs.

“I’m not doing anything,” Kallen shouts, just as we reach the top of the stairs. I rush over to my father’s side. Octavia stands on his other side, and Titus is beside Kallen, his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze flicking between us and his brother.

“Yes, because I completely believe that the god of storms isn’t creating the storm above us right now,” Osias huffs in exasperation. “That lightning bolt almost hit—”

“I didn’t do that. I swear.” Kallen raises his palms, his brows furrowed as he looks up at the sky. “If I could stop this, I would.”

“So how is this storm being created?” Titus asks, looking between the rolling black clouds and his brother. There has to be some explanation for this, especially since there hasn’t been any rain yet.

“My powers are both light and dark; how do I know it isn’t one of you doing this and trying to pin it on me?” Kallen exclaims, narrowing his gaze on me and my father.

I suck in a sharp breath, about to lay into him, when Maximus steps in between us. “Don’t you ever speak to my mate like that.”

“Fuck you,” Kallen snaps. “I don’t need your shit too. I’m trying to come up with an answer because I sure as infernal know it isn’t me doing this.”

“Neither Osias nor Olivia would do that, Kallen,” Octavia says as she steps forward, her lips pressed into a thin line while thunder rumbles again in the distance. “If you’re saying it’s not you, then that means—”

“Are you actually believing this shit?” Ajax exclaims, barging his way into the center.

“Adrian,” I gasp, already reaching out with my own powers as a bolt of lightning arcs towards the courtyard. I hurriedly block the bolt, and it crashes off my shield as Adrian places an invisible dome over the entire city.

“Enough,” Ajax shouts. He reaches for Kallen, but Titus is there in front of him, blocking his way.

“Don’t you lay a hand on my brother, because I promise you won’t like the vengeance I release on your ass if you do,” Titus says smoothly, his light brown eyes narrowed.

“Stop fighting, all of you,” Octavia shouts, drawing everyone’s gaze to her. “I believe him, which means we need to be ready because—”

“Osias!” The voice is a loud crack, the echo rumbling through the sky like the thunder itself is speaking.