Page 23 of Redemption

“It doesn’t excuse anything that they’ve done, but there is a reason at the root of it all,” I explain, not wanting anyone to think they’re the victims. “I’ve spent a lot of time with Helene, unfortunately, and while I can confirm she’s formally taken Romulus’ side in this battle, regardless of who he’s taken from her, I can tell you that you’re nothing like her, Zina.”

“Thank you.” Her shoulders slump slightly. “It’s at least reassuring to know she wasn’t always a monster.”

“And if you’re up to meeting them, I’m sure the other sea demigods aren’t either.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Zina smiles softly, but I still see the hesitation in her gaze. There’s no way I’m going to push her though, just like I wouldn’t want anyone to push me with my messed up family.

Speaking of family...

I stand up on my toes so I can look over the sea of students, demigods, and gods. Practice streams of water, air, and fire race by, floating on an invisible wind. Spark and crashes erupt around us too, as I search for the two gods I’m looking for.


My father and Octavia stand by the stage, with Kyros and a few other gods I haven’t met yet.

“Do you want to meet my parents?” I ask, remembering where I’m supposed to be right now. I’d asked Octavia to train me, and because Titus interrupted us, I completely lost track of what I was supposed to be doing.

“Of course,” Kali beams, already looking around for them. The others voice their excitement too, nearly buzzing at the chance to meet two gods they’ve read about in class.

“You don’t have to ask me twice, Daddy Oliver—I mean, Osias, is always a sight for sore eyes,” Nelle giggles, narrowly dodging my shove.

“Just be careful with your flirting, Nelle; he’s a taken man now.” I laugh, waving the others along. My heart beams with pride as I lead one part of my family to meet the rest.

Chapter Seven


“Theseselfishassholes,”myfather grumbles as he crumples up a piece of parchment. He even goes so far as to light this one on fire, the paper puffing up into a ball of flames, leaving only ashes in its wake.

“What did this one say?” Mateo asks, leaning back on the plush leather sofa.

I pull out a seat at the dining table beside my father, chancing a glance at the pile of papers in front of him.

Osias, you can kiss my—

“Ajax, along with a few other of the delightful gods we have to live with in Ethereal, have declared they won’t be helping train their own children,” my father huffs, turning the pages over so I can’t read anymore.

I lean back casually, feigning innocence, but judging by the pointed look he gives me, he knows exactly what I was doing.

“I’m going to have to go to Ethereal tonight and gently explain the importance that they be here.” My father sighs, yet I don’t miss the way his sea-green eyes light with excitement.

Cue knowing look.

See, Dad, I can be condescending too.

He shakes his head in annoyance, clearly not wanting to be called out.

“I want to go too,” I announce, drawing the gazes of my mates from around the room. Adrian even peeks around the corner from the kitchen, a turkey sandwich balanced on the plate in his hands. I eye the food with longing.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Mateo says, striding over to the table and pulling out a chair beside me. “We should all go.”

“Is that really such a good idea?” Kyros says from the seat across from me, looking up from the stack of papers in front of them. “We really don’t have much time to prepare for tomorrow. Besides, there’s a few of us that I’m not sure would be welcome back in Ethereal just yet.” He and my father had just been coordinating which gods would need to attend the academy for training tomorrow when the stack of refusals came sailing my father’s way.

I glance towards the leather couches where Titus and Kallen sit, opposite to where Mateo just was.

“That’s a good point,” Adrian says, striding into the dining room. He slides the plate in front of me, giving me the other half of his sandwich.

A sly grin spreads across his face as my eyes light up and immediately grab for the soft bread. “Thank you,” I mumble between bites, uncaring if I’m speaking with my mouth open.