Page 104 of Redemption

Air fills my lungs, and for the first time in a long time, they feel full—full of life, of love, of freedom, of possibility.

Those flames represent a future we can be proud of. The crackling of the wood and sinew, a chance to begin anew, to give those who were swayed by his lies and promises a chance at a new life, a chance that some, like Domenic, never got.

We’re done. We’re free.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“IwishIcouldjust stay with you.” Nelle sighs as we look up at the manor.

The moon has now taken its place in the sky, the day quickly shifted into night as we all stayed in the arena until long after the sunset, eating, drinking, and sharing memories of those we lost along the way. I learned so much about the fallen demigods and guardians while chatting with hundreds of people I’ve never met before. Rank or position was long forgotten as we collectively grieved and celebrated their lives, sharing stories that will live on for generations.

I caught Kyros more than a few times, jotting down names and stories, and I have no doubt in my mind he’ll be serializing every single one that he can.

“Me too,” I agree, grinning at her. “But we still have a few more days before you have to leave for training, so we should make the most of it.”

“Oh, you know we will.” She giggles, her brown eyes twinkling in the moonlight. “I just want to take a few more minutes to admire this place. It still blows my mind that you rebuilt this with your powers.”

We both look back up at the manor, and a calming peace washes over me as we stand there, my best friend, my sister, my ride or die, the person I first started this journey with, and who was there with me every step of the way—even when she was thrust into a whole new world.

“I still can’t believe it myself, but I did have a bit of help.” The powers flowed through me, but I still felt each of my mates there with me every step of the way, helping to recreate the manor we grew to love, through our joint memories.

“I guess we should go get changed,” Nelle says, her smile dropping from her face as she looks back at me.

Of course I could’ve just used magic to change our clothes back at the school, but I wanted to have a moment alone with her and give us each a sense of normalcy we haven’t had since my birthday at the beach club.

“Are you telling me thatthePenelope Warner is groaning about having to go to a party?” I gasp, slapping a hand over my chest in feigned shock and outrage.

“I am not groaning about having to go to a party,” she says, but her voice is lacking its usual playful tone. “I guess I’ve just felt off the last few days is all, but I’m sure a bit of bubbly and dancing will change everything.”

Her smile doesn’t reach her eyes, and she looks back at the manor, seemingly in the hopes that I won’t notice. My stomach twists and my palms get clammy as I chew on my bottom lip, indecision warring within me. I have to let her know, I have to tell her why she’s felt so off, but is it really my place?

“I thought you’d both be at the party by now,” a masculine voice says behind me, shocking me from my thoughts. I turn on my heel as Nelle jumps beside me, clearly just as caught off guard, but the voice registers seconds before a ball of flames forms in my palm.

“Titus.” My breath rushes from me, half in relief, and half in discomfort.

Why did he have to show up just when I was debating whether or not to tell my best friend about him?

“Titus,” Nelle repeats, her eyes widening as they lock on his.

My lips quirk to the side as an awkward tension radiates between them, neither of them speaking, yet they’re unable to pull their gaze off each other.

“You didn’t want to join the party?” I ask, trying to break the uncomfortable silence that has settled over them.

I have no idea what happened between the two of them when they went back to the manor, and at this point I really don’t want to know.

“I’m not really in the mood for a celebration,” he admits, reluctantly dragging his gaze away from Nelle. “I was wondering if I could borrow you for a minute, Liv.”

Nelle’s lips purse as she looks between us, her body rigid as anger radiates off of her. My lips part and I’m about to tell him no, when Nelle cuts me off.

“I’ll be inside then. Just don’t take too long, or else I’m going to steal all your clothes.” Nelle shrugs and gives me a half-hearted wink before she strides to the house.

Titus strolls to my side and we both watch as she opens the door, neither of us saying a word until it closes firmly behind her.

“What’s going on, Titus?” I ask, pushing down the sneaking suspicion at the back of my mind. I have a feeling that it isn’t a coincidence that he showed up when he did.

“I could ask you the same thing, sister.” Titus crosses his arms over his chest, giving the manor one final look before he faces me.