Page 101 of Redemption

Kyros immediately reaches for my hand and tugs me into his side, wrapping his arm tightly around my waist, which of course makes the others grumble in outrage.

“And I’m grateful that I’ll have you by my side to help me each step of the way,” Kyros says, placing a soft kiss on my lips, so full of warmth and comfort it makes my toes curl.

“Suck up,” Adrian says under his breath, breaking through the tender moment.

“I’m putting you to work too there, mister recruiter,” I say, giving him a pointed look. He only grins back at me, his eyes lighting at the warning like a challenge, and I already know just how hard it’s going to be to keep him on track while we’re working together on the new plan for initiation into the academy … Well maybe both of us, because if he keeps giving me that look I doubt I’ll be able to keep my head on work either.

“I can’t wait to see what new systems we can come up with,” Adrian murmurs, his eyes locked on mine and his tone filled with heat, betraying the real undertone of his words. A tendril of desire licks up my spine, my knees already going weak at the thought of being in an office by myself with my god of illusion.

“Have you given any more thought to your title?” Kyros asks, his eyes sparking with intrigue. I know it’s not because he cares about the prestige of my future role, but because he’s basically seeing history unfold before him—a live play, acting out all the significant events of our time, and he has a front-row seat. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he pens the history books for future generations.

“I haven’t,” I lie, chewing on my bottom lip. “Please don’t remind me of that right now.”

“Lie,” Adrian calls me out, and the others all nod in agreement.

Ugh, I hate that they always know when I’m not telling the truth.

“Fine, I have thought about it, but I don’t think the god of death fits,” I murmur, glancing around us as gods, demigods, and guardians mill about, leisurely taking their time as they enter the arena.

There are a few curious glances cast our way, and I have no doubt in my mind that more than a few of them are trying to eavesdrop on our conversation. From what my friends have said, me and my guys are the talk of the academy right now—not that we weren’t before, but amongst everyone now, not only the students.

“What are you thinking then, little mate?” Mateo asks, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he obviously knows what I’m about to say.

“It seems you have earned the name, god of redemption.”The memory of Lucifer’s parting words ring through my mind. He had nodded with what seemed like respect when he saw Romulus’ lifeless body before he and his brothers left, taking the rest of the demons who hadn’t surrendered with them to be used as an example, I’m sure.

I had to reveal the conversation where the name came from to the others once they heard it. I can still picture the pride that gleamed in my parents’ eyes as my father repeated it. The name fits so much more than the god of death. That’s my mother, and my powers are so much more than that one aspect. They’re light and shadow, just like life.

“I like the sound of the god of redemption,” I admit, heat immediately flooding my cheeks as the words leave my lips. “I don’t know how to explain it but it just feels right.”

“It does,” Kyros agrees, nodding enthusiastically.

“It’s everything else that still doesn’t feel real.” I sigh, reflecting on what’s happened since the battle. It’s only been two days, but amongst the chaos and tears it feels like there’s been a huge shift in the world itself.

“Aurelia’s golden wings have disappeared,” Mateo murmurs, his voice breaking through my thoughts. My brows knit together as we all focus on him, our attention riveted by this new development for the god of lust. “Apparently the fates have decided that she no longer fits in the dark majors as they stand now.”

“If that’s true, then I wonder if Kallen has lost his?” Maximus grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. After the part Kallen had to play in Romulus’ plans, most specifically providing the spell that would’ve drained Maximus of his life if Titus hadn’t broken it, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him. The fates have plans for us, it seems, and I think he still has a part to play.

“I wouldn’t be so sure. I have a feeling that we haven’t seen the last of the god of storms,” I murmur, a shiver of unease skittering up my spine. I hate the unknown, but as things stand now, he would be an idiot to attack us with no allies.

“Do we have any clue who has become the next dark major then,” Adrian asks, concern creasing his brows as he looks at each of us.

“Not yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being this guy right here,” Mateo says, slapping a hand down on Max’s shoulder. “Aurelia’s power only waned today, so they could still manifest in you.”

“A dark god?” Maximus grunts.

“Yes, a dark major,” Mateo says, shaking his head like Max is being ridiculous. “You didn’t want to give into the dark side because of Romulus, but with him gone, we can go back to how things were always supposed to be. Besides, you’re in good company now.”

Mateo gives me a wink and I groan in exasperation. “I thought I said don’t remind me.”

“Well what did you expect?” Mateo chuckles. “You’re the child of the leader of the light majors and now the leader of the dark. Of course you were going to be chosen to take your mother’s place.”

My shoulders slump slightly, and Kyros grips my waist tighter. “You should be excited, Olivia. It’s a great honor to be a major, of either the dark or the light.”

“I know.” I give him a soft smile, not wanting them to think I’m ungrateful for the position or the opportunity to forge forward and help the dark and light gods come together as they were always meant to be. “It just came as a surprise is all. My mind has been so focused on defeating Romulus, I never really thought about what would come after, other than getting to spend more time with you four.”

They each grin at that, the joy and elation even breaking through Maximus’ usually stoic expression.

“As two of the new dark majors, you can both help me with the best way to integrate the dark demigods into the school too,” Kyros says, excitement sparkling in his honey-brown eyes, his dimples on full display as he looks between me and Max.