Page 94 of Redemption

My shadows rip through them, eating them alive from head to toe and leaving nothing left in their wake. I sigh a breath of relief as the god looks up. She’d been so focused on the god on the ground, she didn’t see the display of death power making quick work of her attackers.

The less questions the better right now.

“T-thank you,” she stammers out, her brows knitting together as she looks around, clearly trying to at least see where the bodies landed.

“Is he okay?” I ask skeptically, waving off her thanks.

“Gabriel, wake up,” she pleads, her hands desperately clenching his arm as she tries to shake him awake.

I don’t know who this Gabriel guy is, but judging by the lack of signs of injury, I’m starting to wonder if he just fainted. I lean over him and scan my healing power over him, but there’s only a few small superficial scrapes and no other reason he should be passed out.

“You should get him out of here.” I grimace, as I look down at him. His chest rises and falls, calm and peaceful, like he’s sleeping despite the chaos spiraling around him.

“I dragged him over here thinking it would be out of the way enough while I got back into the fight, but I had to come back when the demons started circling him.” She glares down at him. Yup, he definitely passed out.

“Just take him to the infirmary tent in the woods.” I point in the direction, my patience already waning. “You aren’t going to do any good in a fight if you have to keep coming over to save him.”

“O-okay,” she says, stumbling over her words, her arms wrapping under his arms as she lifts his torso and drags him over the rocks and branches and into the woods.

I’m just about to return to the fight when a flicker of movement catches my eye. I raise my sword in front of me, fire and shadow already twining around the steel’s edge. The flames bring the figures into focus, the orange light reflecting off them.

Three shadows emerge from the woods, their shrouded forms somehow familiar despite being cloaked in darkness. My eyes snag on the curled horns of one and the webbed wings of another, and realization crashes into me like a freight train. The princes.

“You decided to come after all?” I ask, amusement lacing my tone as I lift a brow and meet them at the edge of the woods, the flames extinguishing from my sword as I reach them.

“We did,” the first prince says, his voice strong and authoritative. “I guess we should thank you for not destroying our new corporeal forms the way you killed those demons.”

I frown back at him, trying to read his expressions, but it hasn’t become any easier with their new bodies still not fully formed. “I wouldn’t do that.”

“We didn’t plan on it, but I guess the other god made it glow when the attack started, and we had to at least see for ourselves,” prince number one says, answering my earlier question as he lifts the transmitting stone for me to see. The red hue still emanates from it before he slips it into his shadowed pockets... at least I think they’re pockets.

I nod in understanding. “If you wanted to jump in, we wouldn’t be opposed.” I motion towards the battlefield as hordes of demons still attack en masse. “We’ve been keeping them back, but any help would be good.”

“Why else do you think we’re here?” the second prince grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. I can almost imagine the fury burning in his eyes with the rage that rolls off him. “If we let you fight our battles for us, we wouldn’t be worthy of our land or our princess now would we?”

There’s no way I’m going to touch that question with a ten-foot pole.

“I know just how to make our princess weak at the knees,” number three purrs to the other two princes. “Don’t you worry about a thing. As soon as she’s reborn, she’ll be ours again.”


“Are you ever going to tell me your names?” I ask, needing something other than prince one, two, and three to call them.

“I’m Lucifer,” the seemingly leader says, the name catching me off guard for a moment before he motions to two and three in turn. “This is Satan, and Asmodeus. And are you going to properly introduce yourself?”

“Olivia,” I murmur, my brows scanning them as realization slams into me. Those names...

Pride, Wrath, and Lust—three of the seven deadly sins. I knew they were the princes, but I didn’t know they werethoseprinces.

“And what are you the god of, Olivia?” Satan asks, his voice booming.

I swallow thickly, trying to wrack my brain for a name, but I come up empty. “I really don’t have a title.” I shrug. “My father is the leader of the light majors, and my mother is the god of death, so a mix of those I guess.”

“I think we shall call you the god of redemption,” Lucifer says, nodding to himself. “Because if Romulus and his dark forces are defeated today, you will be the god to redeem your kind to us.”

“That would be an honor.” I clasp my hand over my chest, my memories flashing to Seraphina in her final moments.

Her father prophesied of my existence centuries before I was born, that I would free her from her prison for her to release the princes so the heart would move to them. To be the one to redeem all the good I see surrounding me, all the light gods, demigods, guardians, and students fighting against Romulus and everything he stands for, is the highest title I could ever wish to hold.