Page 79 of Redemption

“Nothing yet,” I confirm, taking a step back and giving him his space. I pull in a deep breath, trying to ease the panic racing through me so that I can focus.

As soon as Mateo gives me that signal, I need to call the blade to me—something I have no clue how to do. It’s not like I could practice or anything.

I close my eyes and try to find my peace as I examine the ocean of power within me. The waves of energy ripple in answer, ready and willing to do my bidding. I exhale, letting the air flowing through my lungs ground me as I become one with the earth, the same homeland that created the dagger.

“We’re ready for you, little mate,”Mateo projects, giving me the signal.

“See you soon, my god of war,”I send back to him.

“I have the signal.” I don’t dare open my eyes, and instead open my palms, trusting in myself and the voices that told me to imbue my blood into the dagger that fateful day, that it will return to me.

“I’m ready too,” Titus says, giving me the final confirmation I need.

I search along my links, finding all of the bonds that are tied to my soul. One reaches to the side where I can already feel Kyros’ cool, steady presence. Another reaches in front of me where Maximus lies on the ground. My brows knit together as I examine it, knowing his bond would be strong, determined, dark, and destructive, but there’s something else. A darkness lingers over him almost as though it’s draining his life force. It must be the effects of the spell that are physically taking their toll on him now.

This has to work.

The next two links seem the same as the first two, but I can’t exactly locate where they lead, like the stretch through time and space. One is sparked with life and joy, a mischievous glimmer that is oh so enticing, while the other is magnetic, possessive, and hardened, like it’s strewn from iron and will, yet it’s lighthearted and carefree. Adrian and Mateo.

I expect there to only be four, yet … there’s six. The fifth is different from the first four, yet it seems to connect not through my soul, but from the heart. It stretches from me to the place beside the first link. Nelle. The blood ritual links us together, strong and unbreakable just like my bond to my mates.

The last one though, it seems tenuous at best, as though its allegiance could shift at any moment, like it isn’t meant to be linked to me for eternity. It stretches from my heart to … somewhere in the infernal realm.

This must be the tether to the dagger.

I take a deep breath and feel along the connection, racking my brain for where it might lead. It almost seems like it ends in the direction of the castle. They must’ve gone back there after we attacked the cave, knowing we’d be too preoccupied to try another one so soon, especially when he has the blade.

If they only knew.

I soothe my power along the connection, slowly coaxing it with a steady stream, enticing it to follow me. It seems resistant at first, as though it knows I’m not its true owner, but it seems to react to something in me—the blood connection. My chest warms as it tugs on the bond, as though it’s trying, yet failing, to leave where it’s held.

“I think he placed some sort of protection on it.” I grimace, gritting my teeth as I try again, feeding more power bit by bit.

“Can you still get it?” Titus asks, a note of panic clear in his tone.

“I’m working on it.”

I send out another stream of power, giving it some of my strength as I let the energy exude from it, knowing the magic held within the blade will know what to do.

Another moment passes and I open my lips, about to give them another update, when a weight settles in my hands. One hand supports the cool edge of the steel, while the hard rubies press into the other, warm against my palm. I peel my eyes open, as though I’m afraid it will vanish if I look at it too soon.

“You did it,” Titus breathes. Pain slices across his face the moment my eyes flicker open, yet it’s gone in the next moment.

“So what’s the next step?” I ask, shifting the weight of the dagger into one hand to grip it by the hilt, not wanting to put that sharp edge anywhere near me.

“I have to place my blood on the barrier and pierce it with the dagger,” Titus explains. He takes a step closer to me and reaches his hand out tentatively.

I can’t help but hesitate as I look down at the weapon, indecision warring within me on what to do. I only just got it back, but I don’t have time to agonize over this choice, and neither does Maximus. I glance to my god of destruction. He looks so run down, like this spell is eating him away on the inside. His skin is almost grey now—that really can’t be a good thing.

My eyes flick up to meet Titus’ light brown ones, hating how much they remind me of Romulus’—but he isn’t his father. Just like I told Zina that she’s nothing like her mother, Titus has proven to us that he’s worthy of my trust.

I meet him the rest of the way and give him a grateful nod, glad that he gave me the time I needed to come to the decision on my own without rushing me.

He gives me a tight smile as he grasps the hilt and fastens it at his side, bringing another blade out to slice across his palm.

Nelle gasps and starts towards him, concern creasing her face until she stops herself short, feigning a look of nonchalance as though she wasn’t about to go check on the man she claims to hate.

Blood wells to the surface and the red liquid gleams the same shade as the rubies as the orb light hits it, making my stomach churn.