Page 77 of Redemption

I can’t help the way my jaw ticks at the memory of how she tried to claim Adrian was her boyfriend despite him denying even knowing her to her face.

“But when you came in and he actually started giving you attention, I knew the identity I was clinging to was about to crumble, so I lashed out at you. It was really messed up, and in the long run, acting like that lost me friends.” Katrina worries her bottom lips between her teeth, her cheeks reddening with her admission. “I told myself that at least my godly parent would be proud of me, but that all came crumbling down the moment I met him.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and takes a shuddered breath, quickly blinking away the tears that well in her eyes.

“I get it, Katrina,” I say, not needing to hear anything else. “A lot of us were messed up after losing our old lives, so I forgive you.”

Katrina tilts her head to the side and blinks, her lips parting slightly as though she hadn’t expected my acceptance of her apology to come so easily. Honestly, if Kali backs her up now, and Nelle was able to stand being around her, I’m sure what she’s saying is true.

Her lips part, but a voice booms through the low murmur of voices echoing through the courtyard, cutting her off.

“We need all students up near the school to receive your assignments,” Orrin announces, his voice projected across the courtyard so loudly I can’t help my wince of pain.

Katrina frowns as her father strides up a few steps onto his makeshift stage, waiting for the students to converge. “I guess the great god of wisdom has spoken.” She rolls her eyes and giggles. “I should get going, but thank you for hearing me out.”

“Of course,” I say, giving her a tight smile. “I hope I can get to know the real Katrina.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” She smiles genuinely and strides towards the school.

“Find us after,” Kali says as I rejoin the group, and she wraps me in a tight embrace. My chest warms as I hug her back, grateful to have such a calm and positive friend in my life.

“You know I will,” I agree as I pull away.

I hug the others in turn, until I get to Stacia. “I’ll keep her safe,” she whispers as she embraces me, and I hug her just a bit tighter for it in answer, not wanting the others to know our whispered conversation.

“I’ll see you all soon,” I say, and wave them off, knowing they’ll be paired off with gods to help them through this fight—Kyros made sure of it.

“They’ll be safe,” Kyros says as I watch my friends walk away. He places a hand on my shoulder while Mateo and Adrian join us.

“I know, I just wish I could shield them from this, and keep them from seeing Domenic on the other side of the fight,” I say, my shoulders slumping slightly in relief at the comfort and support of my guys.

“Just like we want to keep you out of it.” Mateo chuckles, and I glare at him, playfully sticking my tongue out.

Some of the easy comfort drifts away as my father, Octavia, and Titus make their way through the crowd, reminding me of what we still need to do. Today has just begun and there’ll be countless fights along the way.

“We’re ready,” my father says. His lips twitch upwards as he tries to give me a reassuring smile but it fades away just as quickly. “I don’t like you going off on your own, your mother or I—”

“No, you both need to be here,” I remind them, just as Octavia steps forward, clearly about to offer to join me again. “I can take care of myself. Besides, I’ll have Kyros and Titus there with me.”

My father nods as he locks eyes with Kyros, his eyes narrowing just slightly in warning, and I shake my head in exasperation.

“We’ll be out of there so quickly, I doubt you’ll even notice we’re gone,” I say, holding onto the glimmer of hope that flickers to life.

“Exactly. The spell is simple, so they’ll be back in no time.” Titus steps forward and gestures to me and Kyros. “We should be going. Mateo can give us the final signal once we’re in position.”

Kyros’ hand shifts to mine and we step closer to Titus. “I love you, all.” I give Mateo a wink, remembering our conversation the last time I dropped the L-bomb and left. “Leave some of Romulus for me, because I need to at least kick his ass a little first.”

“We love you, little mate.” Mateo steps forward, Kyros’ hand falling from mine as Mateo wraps his arm around my waist and tugs me against him roughly. He places a scorching kiss on my lips, his tongue twining with mine like a promise that we’ll continue this one when this war is finally over, before he swiftly backs away.

I can’t even get a word out before Adrian is there taking his place, his mouth hard and demanding as it slants over mine, searing his silent promise into my soul with his fervor.“I love you, angel, and I’ll see you soon, one way or another.”

“We love you, Olivia.” My father wraps me in his strong arms, making me feel like a little kid again.

“More than anything,” Octavia agrees, wrapping me into a tight embrace, which I return.

It feels strange to think that just a couple of weeks ago I thought I would never feel close to her and that she was helping Romulus, but now I don’t know what I would do without her—without any of my family. Octavia takes a step back and turns to Titus.

“Come back to me, both of you.” Octavia wraps her arms around Titus next. He stands stiffly for a moment before he returns the hug, tightly embracing her back as his eyes shutter closed. They part a few moments later, and Titus straightens his loose black battle shirt and turns to me.