Page 27 of Redemption

“This is perfect.” And I’m not just saying that. Each of the floors had the guys’ personal touches and whatever other rooms they felt drawn to, library, study, gyms, and strategic battle rooms—cough, cough Mateo. They were each made to be their own little apartments with a dining room, kitchen, and living room, as though they each wanted their own living space, but at the same time, built this floor to stay connected. Like this floor was already made perfectly for me. It has one of the largest bedrooms I’ve ever seen, a huge closet, a smaller library and study, and a small gym—like each of them put a piece of themselves into it.

The floors are all marble too, giving the space the perfect light and airy feel. Hell, even the drapes and bed sheets are my favorite burgundy shade, with bronze accents everywhere.

“I’m still waiting to see your favorite place.” I nudge Maximus, not letting him get off the hook.

“Like I said, I was saving the best for last,” he says, taking my hand in his. “Close your eyes.”

“I don’t think—”

“If you want to see it, you have to close your eyes,” Maximus grumbles, his feet firmly planted. Yeah, there’s no way I’m moving him on my own.

“Fine.” I sigh and close my eyes.

“Just to be sure…” Adrian adds.

I’m about to ask what he means when a piece of soft silk slips across my face. My eyes pop open, but I can’t see a thing as someone—I’m assuming Adrian—ties the silk blindfold at the back of my head.

“How would you feel about using this later?” Adrian whispers.

Tingles of desire run down my spine as his breath caresses the shell of my ear. Fuck, that felt amazing. I can only imagine what it would feel like if he was—

That thought cuts off as Maximus lightly tugs me forward. I take a tentative step, and he helps guide me through the house, not going too slow or too fast.

Footsteps follow behind us, along with hushed whispers as my other three mates scheme something up.

“What are you whispering about?” I ask, my lips quirking to the side.

“Nothing,” Adrian, Mateo, and Kyros all chorus as one.

That was suspicious.

To their credit, they don’t continue—dammit, they’re probably just projecting their plans now.

“Where are we—” My question is cut off, though, at the whoosh of a sliding door. A soft, warm breeze wraps around me, and a cool mist tickles my skin.


Before I can even begin to piece anything together, Maximus lets go of my hand, reaching under me to scoop me up in his arms.

I let loose a squeak of surprise as he lifts me against his chest, and I desperately grip his shirt, needing to feel like I’m holding onto something.

“He’s not going to drop you, little mate,” Mateo huffs out in amusement.

His voice seems closer than before, as though he’s right beside me now.

“I know that,” I hiss, still unable to pry my hands from the warmth of Maximus’ soft cotton shirt. “You try being blindfolded and carried somewhere you’ve never been before.”

“I’m putting you down now, princess,” Maximus says, his deep rumble a mix of humor and exasperation.

That mother—

Maximus gingerly lowers me down, and I hesitantly tap the floor, making sure it’s solid before putting my weight on it.

“You can put your hands here,” Adrian says from beside me. He grasps my wrists and places my palms onto a solid cool … railing?

“Can you take the blindfold off now?” I plead, needing to see where they’ve taken me as moisture clings to my skin.

“Okay, only because you asked so nicely.” Adrian chuckles.