My dad is lucky. He can be with the woman he loves and not have to pay the price.
“And as for Preston, you know his father would literally kill him if he were to fuck up any of the plans he has for his son.” One of my dear old pop’s connections is Preston’s old man. From the stories I heard, he used Preston’s father to bury a few bodies for the right price. I fucking hate this life.
“You're the only one out of the three of us who could get out of your engagement with the least amount of damage done. So if you find someone worth fighting for, I say go for it. Why should all three of us have to be miserable for the rest of our lives? At least one of us can have a happy ending, because Preston was wrong about that. Maybe for me and him, but not for you.”
I hate the crushed look on his face. Declan is too pure.
“This is fucking depressing,” Declan sighs.
“It is. But, Declan...” He looks up at me, his big blue eyes look wider under his glasses. “I can’t say that I approve of you making a go at Sadie after this is all done and over with, but...”God this kills me to say.“I won’t get in your way if you do.”
“Really?” he questions, his words drenched in disbelief.
“Really. But Preston is right about one thing.”
“You have some heavy competition. Collin isn’t going to give up. That man would die before he steps back. So, your best bet is to show Sadie why you would be the better choice.”
“How do I do that?” he groans. “Collin is like a dog with a bone. He’s going to be so far up her ass, I won’t be able to get any more alone time with her.”
I’m still jealous as fuck about what they did. But when I overheard what Sadie said to Preston, I was equal parts in awe and turned on.
“Grayson!” my dad shouts. “Can you come down here for a moment?”
Declan and I head down to see what my dad wants, but I leave Declan to wait for me in the lobby. I’m surprised to find Erin sitting at the kitchen table when I get there.
“Hello, Grayson,” she greets me with a sweet smile. I like Erin. I’ve only really been around her a few times, but I know she’s good for my dad. She’s smart, caring, a good mom, and a hard worker. From what I’ve heard, she’s never let the people at this school change her. I respect that.
“Hello, Erin. Nice to see you again.” I smile back, then look at my father. “What's up?”
“I’d like it if you could be home tomorrow night. Erin and her daughter will be coming over for supper. This is our first time meeting her, and I’d like for you to be on your best behavior.”
“Well, of course.” I give him a cheeky smile, as he shoots me a warning look. It’s a good thing my night with Sadie is tonight, because it very well could be the last if tomorrow night goes south. At least this is happening after the fact.Is it fucked up of me to sleep with Sadie knowing there’s a good chance we’re going to be step-siblings?Probably.Is it going to stop me?Fuck no.I have fucking cameras in her house that I jerk off to, you think something like this is going to scare me away?Never. If anything, my fucked up little self is turned on by this new facet of our relationship more than anything.
“Your dad has asked me to marry him.” Erin smiles over at my dad, taking his hand and looking back over to me. “I’ve put my answer on hold until I’ve told Sadie. While she knows about your dad, I’ve been afraid to tell her just how serious this has gotten.” She looks a little guilty. “Sadie has been through so much over the past few years, I don’t want to add more to her plate. But now it’s time, and I’m hoping she’s alright with all of this.”
“Because if she’s not, you can’t say yes.” I give her an understanding smile and nod. “I’ll be on my best behavior, I’ll make Sadie love me. We’ll be besties in no time.”
“Thank you, Son. You know this means a lot to me.”
I say goodbye to them and slip out of the kitchen.
“What was that about?” Declan asks
“My dad and his girlfriend want to have supper tomorrow night. She’s bringing her daughter over with the hopes she’s alright with their new relationship status from dating to engaged.”
“Oh, wow. So, your dad is getting married. And you're getting a sister?”
“Looks like it.” The grin on my face is a total giveaway.
“Why do you look like you enjoy that fact?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Grayson. Thank you, again, so much for agreeing to come to supper. I just want Sadie to like you both as much as I do,” Erin says, waving goodbye as my dad walks her out.
And then I turn to Declan, the look of pure shock and horror on his face. “Sadie? Your dad is dating Sadie's mom?”
“Yup.” I grin.