Chapter 24
“Oh my god, would youstop bitching,” I groan, rolling over onto my stomach to glare at Preston. He’s been going on and on about what Declan and Sadie did and how Declan missed the meeting for a piece of pussy. That pissed me off because Sadie isn’t just some girl, some lay. She’s so much more.
“I’m not bitching!” he snaps, snarling his teeth at me. “Sadie has changed him. Changed you too! You both are ready to get down on your knees and follow her like fucking puppies. It’s sad, really. All for a girl who will never fucking be yours. And now it’s affecting the club. She’s a client; we're not even supposed to be hanging out with her outside of the time when she’s in the Host Club room doing her job, or when we're at the club doing ours.”
“Oh, fuck off.” I roll my eyes. “Sadie isn’t just some regular client; she’s so much more than that, and you know it. And we know we can’t have her, we don’t need you reminding us every fucking day.” I don’t even mention that Declan could actually be with her, if that’s still what he plans to do. The only reason I don’t is because I’m playing stupid, and I’m going to assume he’s cast that silly little idea out of his head.
Unfortunately based on all the issues this argument is about, I don’t have the highest of hopes. I’m torn between knowing that Declan could be the one who gives Sadie everything I can’t and being happy for my friend, who truly deserves a loving woman, and not wanting him to have any part of her if I can’t either. He’s way too good for this life.
“And we are not changing because of her. Don’t be so dramatic.”
“Really? Alright, when is the last time you fucked another girl?” He looks at me, then to Declan. “Haven’t seen you around the club with any of your old mistresses?” He turns back to me. “Just because you get to stick your dicks in Sadie, doesn’t mean you have to give up your whole life for her.”
“We’re not with anyone else because it’s fucking disrespectful to be sleeping with other people while we do this with her. We’ve never done a deal like this, so changing a few things isn’t odd. You're the one who’s being a fucking asshole. Do you have to get her going? To fuck other woman in front of her. What’s the point of it? Do you want to make her jealous? If so, why does it matter so much to you if she is when you keep going on about the fact that you don’t want anything more than to fulfill your side of this deal? You act like being with Sadie is such a fucking chore, when we damn well know you don’t really feel that way.”
“You don’t fucking know a damn thing about me.” He jumps to his feet. “And you're not my fucking keeper. If you want to keep your dicks to yourself until we're done with Sadie, by all means, go for it. But it doesn’t mean I’m going to let you tell me how to live my fucking life. If I want to let Tina suck my dick, then why not—especially when she’s on her knees begging for it. And if some rich bitch offers a pretty penny to ride me, I’m going to take it.”
I laugh, shaking my head as I sit up. “You're a real piece of work, you know that? When are you going to stop lying to yourself?”
“Fuck you,” he spits before storming toward my door.
“Preston, wait,” Declan steps in front of him. Preston is fuming, his nostrils flaring. He says he doesn’t care about Sadie, yet always gets so worked up over anything that has to do with her. He’s not fooling anyone, even himself.
“When are you going to understand, Declan? We don’t get happy endings. We don’t get fairy-tale love. We have to give up the people we want most in the world to be good little soldiers and do as we're told. The sooner you understand that, the sooner you can save your heart from being destroyed.” He steps around Declan and leaves.
Declan watches him go, a torn look on his face.
“Don’t let him get to you.” I get to my feet.
“It’s hard when he’s so dead set on everything being the end of the world. You know, we all have an out if we really ever wanted it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your dad is amazing. Do you really think he would make you marry Sarah if you really didn’t want to? Like if you truly loved someone else, I think he would understand.”
“You’re right. If it was just up to my dad, I could marry whoever I wanted. But it’s not.” I give him a pitying look. “My grandfather runs my life. If I don’t do as he asks, he would stop at nothing to make my life a living hell. My dad is lucky, his parents don’t care, but this is my mom’s father. Her death meant one less family to have an alliance with. Because once my mother passed away, my father's parents cut ties with my grandfather. I don’t blame them, I wouldn’t want to be tied to him too, if I could help it.”
My grandfather isn’t a good person. A lot of people in our society aren’t, but he’s one of the worst. Everything he’s done to get where he is now is fucked up and cruel. It’s all dirty money on my mom’s side of the family.