For the next hour we just lay there—her asleep, me awake—soaking up this moment, because I don’t know if I’m ever going to get another one like this again.
My alarm goes off, and I curse. With Sadie on me, I can’t grab it off the nightstand to shut it off.
“What’s going on?” Sadie murmurs sleepily, raising her head up off my chest. She’s so cute, her hair all messy. She looks at me and her eyes widen. “Declan?”
“Morning, Sweetheart.”
She crawls off me and sits up, looking around the room like she’s wondering how she got here. “Did we fall sleep?” she asks as I grab my phone and shut off the alarm.
“That we did.” I give her a sheepish grin, grabbing my glasses off the night stand and slip them on.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” She scrubs the sleep from her eyes.
“Don’t be. I’ve never had a sleepover with a girl.” I chuckle, and she gives me a sleepy smile.
“You're the first.”
She looks down at her clothes, and I cringe. Fuck. Yup, this is embarrassing.
My cheeks heat as she leans down closer to where my cum has dried on the front of her crotch. “What is this?” She picks at it, and it flakes off.God, please kill me now.“Is that yogurt? I don’t remember eating yogurt.”
“Ah, not yogurt.” I let out a nervous chuckle. “Although I have heard guys call their dicks yogurt slingers before.” She gives me an odd look.Shut up, Declan, you're making this worse.
I see it in her eyes the moment she realizes what it is, and I die inside. “Is this... is this cum?”
I groan, covering my face with my hands. “I’m so sorry. I swear I’m not some kind of pervert or something. It’s just, you ended up draped over me at some point in the night, and well... you were having a dream. A really good dream, by the sounds of it. And it was about me, so when you were moaning my name and rubbing against my morning wood, I—fuck, I’m sorry.”
She’s silent and I move my hands to look at her. My heart sinks when I see her own embarrassment on her face. “Hey.” I quickly sit up. “It’s okay.”
“I’m sorry. I–I didn’t mean to,” she whispers, moving to get off the bed. “God, I’m such a loser.”
“Hey,” I growl, grabbing her hand and pulling her back down onto the bed. Cupping her face, I brush my thumb against her cheek. “You are not a loser. I don’t want to hear you ever say bad things about yourself because none of it is true. And you have nothing to be embarrassed about, if anyone does, its me. Honestly, I thought it was one of the hottest things that’s ever happened to me.”
“Really?” That gets me a hint of a smile.
“Really.” We get caught in each other's eyes, unable to look away. My heart thunders in my chest, and I do something I might end up regretting. Leaning forward, I take the kiss I’ve been dying for since the last time I tasted her. Our lips meet and she moans softly as they start to move together. The kiss is slow and sweet and perfect.
My second alarm has me groaning at the interruption. “Do you mind waiting for me as I shower? Then I can walk you home to get ready for school?”
“I’d like that,” she whispers, nodding her head.
I smile, stealing another quick kiss, loving the way she bites her lower lip when I pull back. Jumping to my feet, I grab a towel and my shower caddy before heading for the door. “Don’t go anywhere.”
“I won’t.” She giggles, her whole face lighting up.
I take the quickest shower of my life and wrap a towel around my waist before rushing back to my room. “Sorry it took me so long.”
“You weren’t gone that—” she starts, but when she looks up from her phone, her words stop. Her eyes widen slightly as they travel up and down my body. “Long.”
I’m reminded that I’m still only in a towel, nothing else, hair wet and dripping down my chest.
She licks her lips and reaches over, surprising the fuck out of me as she pulls off the towel. “Holy shit,” she mutters. My cock twitches under her gaze, growing to life right before her eyes. “Wow.”
“Sorry,” I say, moving to cup my junk, but she grabs my hand.
“Don’t be. I’ve never watched one, you know... become erect. Not gonna lie, it’s kind of hot.” She giggles, looking up at me with heat in her eyes. “Can I... ah, take care of that for you?”