Page 73 of Tantalizing Kings

“Then why don’t you leave? Miss Evans is already late,” Collin chastises.

“No, I’m not.” I spin around, looking at him confused.

He doesn’t look at me, his death glare on Grayson.

“Just making sure my girl here got to class safe. No big deal.” I know Grayson is just trying to get under Collin’s skin, but calling me his girl makes my heart beat just a little bit faster.

“She’s not your girl.” Collin lets out a low growl, his jaw clenching.

“Whatever you say, teach. Pretty Girl?” I turn back to Grayson, and he steps closer. “Let me take you out tomorrow.”

His hazel eyes stare into my fucking soul.Is it hot in here?I can hardly breathe. “Okay.” I find myself whispering.

He smiles, leans down and kisses me on the tip of my nose. “Later, Sadie.”


I watch Grayson walk away and the moment he’s out of sight, Collin growls. “You're not going out with him.”

I spin back around, gaping at him. “Yes, I am. You can’t tell me what to do,” I huff, crossing my arms.

“Oh, trust me, Lollipop. I can and I will. You are mine. I don’t share.”

Annoyance fills me. “I amnotyours. And I can hang out with, and be friends with, whoever I want. If you think you can walk back into my life after eight years and start demanding things of me, you're so wrong.”

He steps closer, boxing me in against the wall. My lips part in surprise as my heart starts to race. I try to look around, knowing we are in the hall and classes haven’t started just yet. Anyone could see us; hell, there's probably people watching right now.

“What are you doing!” I hiss. “You are way too close for a TA or guidance counselor.”

“I don’t fucking care,” he murmurs. “You drive me crazy, Sadie. Do you know how hard it is going to be to sit at that desk all hour while you're across the room from me?”

“N-not my problem you have no self-control,” I stammer.

“When it comes to you, it’s almost impossible.” He licks his lips, his eyes dropping to mine like he wants to taste them.

I shouldn’t like that idea. I shouldn’t feel the heat between my legs growing, wishing he would. It’s wrong. So wrong! He works at the school. He’s like an older brother to me. Hell, he probably changed my damn diaper when I was a baby.

Nope, not the time to be thinking about that.He’s hot, really fucking hot, and while anyone in this school would be falling to their knees for him if he called them his, it only leaves me with confusing and conflicting feelings.

“Did you think about getting that checked out?” I blurt.

His brows furrow. “Get what checked out?”

“The bad case of delusion you're suffering from. You said it yourself, you're crazy.”

He chuckles, and damn it, I like the sound of it too much. “Don’t worry, little girl. You're going to end up loving my brand of crazy.”

“I highly doubt that,” I huff.

“I’ll make you see.” He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering.

The bell chimes, making me jump. I duck out from under Collin’s arms and scurry into the classroom.

I don’t stop until I’ve taken the very back seat on the opposite side of where Collin’s desk is.

Thankfully, I manage to pay attention to what my professor is teaching, quickly getting lost in the fascinating topic of Greek mythology.

However, I don’t miss the feeling of Collin’s eyes on me the whole time. If this was last week, I would have been swooning over the fact that my hot TA has his sights set on me.