My father’s eyes dart down to my hand. He grabs my wrist. “You did it, didn’t you? You attacked that boy.”
“It was only a few hits.” I snatch my hand back.
“You better have a damn good reason why, or so help me, Preston.”
“He undermined the Host Club. Pretty much said we were a whore house.” That’s a lie, but he doesn’t need to know the real reason why I broke that fucker’s nose. “I can’t have him tarnishing its name. You know that.”
It seems to be the right thing to say because he lets out a sigh and takes a step back. “He’s pressing charges.” He narrows his eyes on me once more. “I’m going to get him to drop them, but you owe me. Keep your anger under control or I won’t. When will you stop being such a fucking disappointment? Sometimes, I wonder if you're even my son. Selfish good for nothing is what you are.”
He turns and storms out of my room, slamming my bedroom door behind him.
Anger simmers on the surface of my skin as I look down at my drenched bed. “Fucking asshole,” I mutter, crawling out of bed. I start stripping the sheets and toss them in the dirty hamper for the housekeeper to deal with.
It’s Sunday, and later tonight I have to go to the club for a few hours. But the rest of the day is wide open. For the first time in god knows how long, I have nothing to do.
I hardly drank last night, even though I planned on getting shit-faced. Once I started feeling it, I stopped. I don’t know why, but I felt like I needed to stay in the right headspace.
Or because if I was drunk I’d end up doing stupid shit, like tracking down the little blonde who gets on my fucking nerves and, well... I don’t know what I’d do.
She’s becoming a problem. She’s making me act out of character, and I don’t like it.
I stumbled upon her sucking Declan’s cock like the dirty little whore she dreams to be. My dick seemed to enjoy the sight of it all too well. So I found the first willing girl and messed around with her for a while.
But when I saw her with that Paul-fucker, something inside me was set off. Hell, I needed to get off. So, I fucked the girl right where everyone could see while she let Paul practically finger her on the dance floor.
I wanted to pull him off her and make him eat his own fucking tongue. The thought had me getting out of there fast.
And to make the whole fucking night end with a bang, Timothy had to go open his damn mouth.
I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I shouldn’t have hit him. But he lied. The things he said about Sadie weren’t true.
At least, not in the way he meant them. She is a tease, a slut, a dirty little whore—but she’s only those thingsfor us. She’s willing to bend to our will and let us use her body how we please. At least, for now.
Once we show her what she wants to know and she sees how sex should be, she’s going to go about her life. She’s going to find a nice guy who treats her right, get married, and have two point five kids.
Because this isn’t her world. She was born into it by default.
She has no idea about the monsters that lurk in the dark.
And one of the biggest ones I have the displeasure of knowing is none other than dear old pops.
I’m doing everything in my power to get out from under his thumb. I opened the club so that I’d have my own money, my own income, which he has no control over.
It’s all under fake names, and the money gets sent to offshore accounts. Once I have close to what I would have if I continued to be my father’s puppet, I’m out of here. I plan on disappearing to another country, change my fucking name, and living the rest of my life in peace.
There's no way I plan on letting my father control who I marry, and I’d rather swallow shards of glass than be tied to that crazy bitch my whole life.
All she's good for is an easy way to get my dick wet. It’s pathetic, really. She’s nothing but a gold-digging whore who only cares about money, power, and getting her pussy stuffed.
I’m not always a dick to women, only the ones who are shitty humans and little kitty cats who piss me off.
It’s my job to treat my clients with respect and dignity.
Well, not all of them. Some of them pay me extra to use them, to call them degrading words. Not that I mind. Degradation is my thing, while Grayson is more of an exhibitionist, and Dec... Dec is too sweet for this world. Dec is a sub down to his very core.
The way he jumped to his feet, eager to please Sadie and do as she asked, has my cock aching.
Here’s the thing, I know Dec is in love with me. I’m not blind, and while he does his best to hide it, I’ve noticed.