Page 65 of Tantalizing Kings

“I’m sorry!” I panic, but she bursts out laughing.

“Babe, how drunk are you? Remember, I don’t like what he’s sporting. By all means, enjoy the fuck out of it.”

“Right.” I let out a sigh of relief. “You rich people are so weird.”

“But you looove us,” she sing-songs.

“Some of you.” I giggle. A wave of dizziness hits me. “Yeah, I’m done drinking for the night.”

“Me too. Emma said to tell you all that she’s leaving. And Alice took off with some guy too.” I hate the hurt look on her face. “I’m gonna catch an Uber home. Want to come?”

“We got her,” Grayson interjects, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Mia looks from Grayson to me. “You good?”

Butterflies fill my belly, and I nod. “I’m good.”

We say goodnight, and I turn to look at Grayson.

“Haven’t seen much of you tonight.”

“Had some business to deal with.” He winks. “Being a head of the host club is a time consuming job, you know.”

My eyes narrow. “You weren’t fucking some girl too, were you?”

His brows jump. “Too?” Then his face falls. “Damn it, Preston.”

“Oh, yeah, with an audience nonetheless.”

“Sorry about him, Pretty Girl. He’s a dick. There's not much we can do about him.” He gives me a pitying look.

“Whatever. I’m going to pee, then we can leave,” I huff.

“I’m going to go find Declan. Meet you back here, okay?”

I nod and take off upstairs. Thankfully, the bathroom is free. After I’m done peeing and washing my hands, I hear laughter coming from outside the window. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I go to the window, straining to hear the two guys down below. One of them is Paul.

“Dude, I can’t believe you fingered Sadie Evans right where everyone could see you!” the other guy laughs.

“She was so fucking tight and wet. Soaked my fingers,” Paul boasts. My brows furrow.Lies.What a fucking dick.

“You should try to hit that. She’s pretty hot. You know when she’s not looking like a homeless bum.” They both crack up laughing and a not-so-good feeling takes over me. “Although, I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one. From what Raymond said, she’s a frigid bitch. But by the looks of it, she's a bit of a slut when you get a few drinks in her. Maybe give her enough and she will loosen right up for you.”

Bile rises in my throat as tears fill my eyes. I’m about to leave when I hear a pained shout.

My eyes widen at the sight of Preston pinning the guy who was talking to Paul down on the ground. People chantfight, fight, fightas Preston goes to town, punching the guy in the face over and over.

I’m in shock.What the fuck is going on? Did he... did he do this because of what the guy said?No, he must have said something to piss Preston off. This has nothing to do with me.

I watch as Grayson pulls Preston off the guy. Others rush over to help the asshole on the ground, but I don’t pay attention to them. My eyes are on Grayson shouting in Preston’s face while waving his hands around.

When they take off, I go to turn around and leave, but Tina catches my eye. She’s glaring at me, her lip peeled back in an ugly snarl.

Not wanting to know what her issue is, I leave and head downstairs to find Declan or Grayson to take me home. I’m done with this night and just want to curl up in my bed and go to sleep. Maybe going to this party was a bad idea.

But I don’t make it very far when Tina steps in front of me.

“What do you want?” I groan, not wanting to deal with her shit tonight.