Page 43 of Tantalizing Kings

“You're not lame,” he growls.

“You know how many times I’ve had sex? Five, at most. I wouldn’t put out, and my boyfriend went elsewhere to get it. I’ve been in my own head for years, too blind not to see it until I was forced to see it in person, while he was balls deep in another woman.”

His eyes search mine for a moment. “Do you like sex?”

“I like the idea of it. I believe it can feel good if it’s with someone who knows what they’re doing. It’s why I came to you,” I mumble.

“I’m guessing he only thought of himself? What you could offer him? How you could help him get off and once he did, he rolled over and just went about his day?”

“Pretty much,” I sigh. “I was an afterthought. I felt like I was just being used and I didn’t matter.”

“There's your problem. He didn’t care about your pleasure, only his own. That won't happen here. This is all about you, we come last. Literally.” He winks, making me smile, and my belly warms. “Why would you want to have sex if you weren’t getting anything from it? You shouldn’t have to roll over and be a warm hole for anyone. If you didn’t want to have sex, then you shouldn’t have to. That's it. No one should pressure you, no one should make you feel bad about it.”

New tears spring to my eyes. “Thank you.”

He leans over and kisses the tip of my nose. “I got you, Pretty Girl. You're in good hands. You’ll be okay.”

And I know I will be.

Not once did Raymond ever try to make it good for me. I felt dirty and used when he would finish and leave me there like I was nothing.

Then there was the fact that any time Raymond was on me, pinning me to the bed, I was brought back to that night. The memory of stale beer breath and sweat would cause me to panic, to say no even after I said yes.

But damn it! It’s my right to say no, at any time. I shouldn’t feel guilty or be called a tease because of it. I want to be with someone who wants me for more than just my body. Yes, I want to be able to please my partner, make them feel as good as they make me feel. But I also want to be able to tell them no, that I’m not in the mood and not have them get upset over it.

“We’re here,” Preston announces before quickly throwing on what looks like a masquerade mask and practically sprinting from the limo.

“Dick,” Grayson says, then looks at me. “Okay, so before we get out of the car, I need you to put this on.” He opens a black box and pulls out a gold and red masquerade mask. “We are big on discretion.”

“Okay.” I take the mask from him and hold it up to my face.

“Let me.” Declan takes the straps and carefully ties it for me. He gathers my hair, grazing his fingers against my neck as he pulls it free from under the tied straps and around to the front to lay across my breasts.

Grayson was right before. I don’t want sex unless I’m in the mood. I know for a fact that I’m not going to have an issue with that when it comes to them, because I’m already squirming in my seat, aching for them to touch me.

The guys put on their masks and Grayson gets out, holding his hand out for me to take. He helps me stand and Declan follows behind.

It’s quiet. Not a sound fills the night air apart from the crickets and the distant sounds of traffic.

“Ah... I thought you said this was a club?” I ask, looking around. “This is a warehouse.” My belly drops as my eyes snap over to Grayson. “You didn’t bring me out here to kill me, did you?”Fuck, I should have put some kind of tracker on me and given it to my friends.

Grayson lets out a deep chuckle. “No, Pretty Girl. The only thing that's getting murdered tonight is that pretty little pussy of yours.” My whole body flushes. “I meant it about the discretion thing.”

“Really, Grayson?” Declan sighs. “Murder her pussy?”

“What?” Grayson gives him a cheeky grin. “It’s true.”

Declan rolls his eyes and turns to me. He’s in a black and white mask that looks handsome. “Sorry about him. He doesn’t have a filter.”

“And where would be the fun in that? I say what's on my mind.” Grayson chuckles.

I smile, shaking my head. “You two are too cute.”

“Thank you!” Grayson grins. But Declan, he blushes.Yup, adorable.

The guys lead me inside as the limo leaves. Grayson is still carrying that black box, and I wonder what's inside. Is it something else for me?

We walk all the way around to the back before stopping at one of the doors. Grayson knocks three times before pausing and doing it again. A little window on the door slides open. “Password?”