“I’m going to go up and meet him” I move to take the first step, but he quickly blocks my path.
“Just wait here.” He laughs. “No need to go all the way up there when he’s just going to be a moment.”
I shoot him a glare. “Move.” I step to the side to go around him.
“Sadie, please don’t go up there,” he groans, moving in front of me.
“Come on, man, let the girl go see her boyfriend.” That voice makes the hair on the back of my neck stand, and my jaw clenches in anger. Lionel, Raymond’s other best friend, chuckles.
“Lionel,” Todd says in a warning. Done with their bullshit, I ignore them both, push past Todd, and make my way up the stairs.
I know where the bathroom is, so that’s the first place I go to. Only the person that comes out of it isn’t Raymond, but some other guy.
I’m about to look around, poke my head into a few doors to see if I just missed him, when I hear a loud, lusty moan. “Oh, Raymond!”
My body freezes as my heart begins to pound painfully in my chest, my gut churning. I shouldn’t go toward it, I know I’m not going to like what I see, but my feet slowly walk in the direction the sound came from.
Stopping at the bedroom door, I hear the loud sounds of a headboard banging against the wall. As I turn the knob, I swallow down the lump in my throat.
Raymond’s pasty white ass bounces as he pounds into some girl from behind. “Fuck!” he groans. “Your pussy is so fucking wet. So tight.”
Angry tears fill my eyes as I watch my boyfriend cheat on me. And to top it off like some fucked up cherry on a sundae, the bed is angled, so you can see the door in the mirror off to the side, giving me a view of who it is. He’s fucking Tina, the girl who made my life hell when no one was around.
Raymond hasn’t noticed me yet as he continues to pound into her. She doesn’t freak out at the fact that I just walked in on them. Instead, a slow grin takes over her lips. “I bet Sadie doesn’t let you fuck her like this,” she moans.
He lets out a grunt and a chuckle. “That bitch doesn’t let me do anything. Fucking prude. She never puts out. Not like you, baby.”
“It's why you keep coming back to me, don’t you, baby,” she moans, thrusting her ass back into him, making him groan.
“Can’t help it. You're addicting, baby. You always give me what I need. She doesn’t. She doesn’t know how to please me like you do. Oh, fuck!” He groans, stilling as he cums inside her.
I’m not sure if I should cry or puke, maybe both? And it’s not just because I caught my boyfriend of three years cheating on me with my enemy, it’s because he’s been pressuring me to go on birth control so we can stop using condoms, not that we had sex all that much, anyway. All the while, he was fucking her without them behind my back.
Tina gets around. There’s nothing wrong with being open sexually and enjoying sex with whoever you want, but the fact that Raymond is willing to take that risk with her and then push it unknowingly onto me makes me sick. I feel gross; I feel fucking violated.
As Raymond pulls out of her, he finally notices me standing here, tears running down my cheeks.
“Fuck,” he hisses, eyes going wide.
I put my hand up to stop him before he can say anything else. “Don’t even. Save it. How could you! And with her!” I point to the smug bitch. “After everything she’s done to me. We aredone.Don’t call me, don’t text me. We areover!” I hate how my voice shakes, but I’m proud of myself for ending things. For knowing I’m worth more than this.
Not wanting to give him the chance to try to make up some bullshit excuse and talk his way out of it, I turn around, leaving the door wide open as I head back toward the stairs.
He shoves the dagger deeper into my heart, as he doesn’t try to defend himself, but just screams after me. “Like I fucking care! You're nothing but a prude. A sorry excuse for a lay!”
Swallowing down my cry, I wipe my tears away with the sleeve of my hoodie.
I can’t believe he would do this to me. We’ve been together for so long, I thought he loved me. He told me he did. But clearly he didn’t.
If I’m being honest with myself, I never loved him. At least not in that way. I think I convinced myself that I did, because I thought I should. We were friends for so long before getting into a relationship, we had a connection, a past.
I had a crush on him, I thought he was funny and cute. All my friends had boyfriends and I wanted that too. So when he asked me out, I jumped at the chance.
At first, everything was fun and exciting. He made me smile, laugh and I even had butterflies in my belly any time I would see him.
But as time went on, things changed—he changed. He wasn’t the guy I fell for. He started going out with friends all the time and partying. Then he would call me drunk and let his friends make crude comments, not bothering to defend me.
That led to us getting into fights. When he was sober, he would come over with flowers and tell me how much he was sorry and that he loved me.