Collin smirks at me, and I feel so damn embarrassed.
“Someone is passionate.” He chuckles and, damn it, my lower belly warms at the sound.
“Sorry.” I blush so hard.
“Don’t be. I like it. We need more people like you at the school. I’m glad you know what you want, and you’re going for it. If there is anything you need help with that I’m able to do, let me know.”
I let out a sigh of relief and give him a grateful smile. “I will. Also... sorry about this morning.”
“Which part?” He sits up and then back in his seat, smirking. “When I had to remove you from Raymond or when you got lost in space during class?”
Kill me now. “Both,” I cringe.
“For the class part, it’s understandable. I know I’m irresistible,” he jests playfully, winking at me.
That makes me smile. “Thinking highly of yourself?”
“Nah.” He gives me a look that tells me he knows how hot he is. “And about Raymond.” His face darkens, making my smile drop.
“I really am sorry about that. I’ve never caused a scene like that before. But he’s my ex, and he said some pretty mean things to me. My friends defended me, and then the asshole had the nerve to put his hands on Emma.” My face heats, but this time in anger. I really do hate my ex.
Collin stands to his full height, making my eyes follow him up before he leans forward. I lean back, surprised by the sudden closeness. “You have nothing to be sorry about, Sadie. That little punk put his hands on another student, a woman nonetheless. He never should have. You were all defending yourselves.” His voice goes low, making me shiver. “If I didn’t work here, I’d have done more than just bring him to the Dean.”
I swallow hard, not sure if I should feel fear or be turned on.Turned on, I’m totally turned on right now.
“Thank you,” I whisper, not knowing what else to say.
We share an intense moment before he leans back. “You’re welcome. I don’t want to keep you any longer. Remember, my door is always open.”
“Of course.” I quickly stand up and awkwardly sling my bag over my shoulder. I give him a lame wave and I curse myself for being so fucking weird. I need to get out of here before I make a bigger fool of myself.
“And Sadie,” he says just as I’m about to step out of the door. “I trust I’ll be seeing you around.”
What does that mean?
I don’t say anything, rushing out of the room and down the hall. I don’t stop until I’m outside. “I’m too socially awkward for this,” I groan into my hands.
“For what?” a voice asks, making me jump.
“Dear god, Grayson. You should come with a bell,” I breathe out, placing a hand over my racing heart.
“Oh, kinky.” He gives me a flirty grin. “Can I put it on a collar?” He winks, and my face heats, causing his grin to grow wider. “So, what are you doing out here?”
“I was just meeting with the guidance counselor. He called the host room. I had to rush out,” I remind him.
“Ah, that explains why Preston looked extra pissy.” Grayson nods.
“Do they not get along?”
“Preston and Collin have an interesting relationship.”
“I noticed they have the same last name, are they related?”
“Yes.” He chuckles. “Brothers.”
My eyes widen. “They seem so different.”
“Oh, trust me, they are.” He chuckles again and takes a step toward me. “Sorry, we didn’t talk much today. That girl wouldn’t stop blabbing on and on.” He rolls his eyes.