Chapter 35
Pain blooms, radiatingthrough my ribs as my father throws another punch. He’s made sure to keep his hands away from my face this time to avoid questions from others and his answering lies.
I’m not sure what he’s upset about this time, but of course, like always, it’s my fault. I should be on my way to Wonderlust to meet Sadie, and I was on my way out the door when my father came home bitching and complaining about some deal that went south. The moment he saw me, I became his target.
I grunt, biting back the cry of pain that threatens to leave my mouth, not wanting to give him any more satisfaction with causing me pain than he already gets. As he spews hateful words and how much of a waste of space and disappointment I am, I space out, my eyes lock on the knife block sitting on the kitchen counter.
How would it feel to stab him in the throat? To cut him off mid-tirade, listening to him choke and gargle on his own blood as he drops to his knees with fear in his eyes while he bleeds to death on the kitchen floor.
Sadly, I don’t get the chance to find out because my mother comes downstairs, and my father’s attention switches to her.
I use this chance to get the fuck out of here. I don’t feel bad because my mother is just as much of a monster as he is. They are the perfect match, one made in hell. She’s never put her hands on me, but she loves to throw some colorful names at me as well. Her words don’t hurt because it’s coming from a sad woman who isn’t getting her own way.
My father, on the other hand, I don’t know why his hatred affects me the way it does. I despise him, I loathe them both. Part of me detests my brother too because he got out; he never had to live this, and he has a mother who loves him.
Love is weak. It only gives someone the opportunity to hurt you. I already have enough of that in my life, I don’t need anymore.
Yet here I am, ribs screaming in pain that are for sure going to turn into some pretty bruises, worrying that if I make Sadie wait too long at the club, she will leave.
I shouldn’t care what she thinks of me—I shouldn’t care about her at all. But I do, and I fucking hate it.
I can’t get her out of my damn head!She’s like a disease slowly seeping into my body and consuming me bit by bit until there’s nothing left.
For years, I convinced myself she was nothing but a schoolboy crush. That the years I spent watching her and going to the chapel meant nothing. I believed it too—that was until last weekend when I saw her frozen in terror, tears streaming down her face.
Then I saw my brother ready to kill Sadie’s ex without a care of what the aftermath might be. That’s when I knew a weak, pitiful excuse of a man did something to her, to Sadie. And something inside me cracked open. I wanted to finish the job after Grayson and I pulled Collin off of him.
He hurt Sadie, and I wanted him dead.
It brought me back to that night. The night I found Sadie face down in a pile of her own vomit. I couldn’t protect her then, and I can’t protect her now. I’d only hurt her, bring pain and misery into her life.
But here I am, on my way to fuck her. Only, this isn’t going to be like it’s been with other women; this isn’t just some girl. It’s her, my kitten. My brave, sassy, strong girl who’s wormed her way into my heart.
Just one night with her is going to crush me, anything more than that will destroy me. While I shouldn’t even let myself have this night, I’m not only a sadist in the bedroom, but an emotional masochist myself. A recipe for a disaster if there ever was one.
Parking the car, I grab my black mask and slip out. Once I’m in, I rush to the elevator. The whole way down, I’m on edge.Would she leave? Would she think I’ve stood her up? That I didn’t want her?
I shouldn’t want her, fuck! This is all so fucked up.