Collin looks at me, casting me a murderous glare as his nostrils flare and his jaw ticks.
I shouldn’t, and I know it’s going to get me in trouble later, but I smirk. Because I feel like a man who just won the damn lottery.
“Fine,” he sneers. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He shoots another death glare at me before closing the door.
“Sorry about him,” she mumbles, snuggling back into me. “He’s a damn caveman.”
I know in this moment, there's no doubt in my mind that I’m in love with Sadie. Utterly and hopelessly in love with this girl. Only thing is, how do I show her I’m the best person for her?
Chapter 32
“Have you forgiven himyet?” Emma asks from her spot on my bed.
“Kinda.” I look over at her as I slip an earring in.
It’s the weekend of homecoming and tonight is the dance. We, of course, skipped it because the after party is more our vibe. Plus, I know Raymond and his buddies would be there, and I also didn’t have a date.
I shouldn’t have felt bummed that none of the guys asked me, but I was. Still am. Doesn’t matter though because I have my best friends with me.
We’ve been hanging out at my house, getting ready for the party. Which we will be leaving for in a half hour.
“What do you mean, kinda?” Alice questions. “Give the man a break. It’s not something you casually tell someone. ‘Hey, sexy lady whom I’m desperate to stick my dick in, sorry, but I’m going to have to turn down your once in a lifetime deal because, hey, guess what, we're going to be step siblings. One big happy family. So no pickle in your donut hole for you.’”
I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. “You are too much. God.” I shake my head. “Really?”
She just grins and shrugs. “Look, I know it hurt that he kept it from you, but is he really that bad of a guy that you need to keep punishing him?”
Grayson has not let me being upset with him stop him from being himself. He still flirts, makes me blush, and loves to whisper dirty things into my ear any chance he gets.
“Fine. Fine. We’re going to be at his place anyway, so if I happen to see him, maybe I’ll give him a break,” I sigh, putting my other earring in.
“And maybe a blow job.” Mia wiggles her brows. Her hair is now bright blue. It looks good on her. She has it up in space buns and is totally adorable.