Page 116 of Tantalizing Kings

“I’m sorry, I keep speaking before you can. I’ll stop.” My cheeks heat with embarrassment. I don’t mean to be like this, but I’ve been looking forward to this night with Declan for a while now. Our times together so far have been amazing and being with him has brought out a new side of me I didn’t know I liked.

He licks his lips before trying again. “I’m a sub. I’m sorry, but I don’t have a dominant bone in my body. I can’t give you what Grayson, Collin, or even Preston can give you. If we go in there tonight, you're going to have to be the one who takes control, who runs the show, and I don’t know if that’s something you’d be into. I’m alright with not finding a mistress, and I’m not asking you to be that for me if it’s not something you want. I’m putting you on the spot, and I really should have told you this before tonight so that you at least had a heads up with what you were getting yourself into. ”

“Wow, Dec, slow down.” I squeeze his hand. “I’m not getting into anything. Don’t make it sound like it’s a job to be here with you. I want this, I want to spend this night withyou.When you told me before how you liked it when your partners took charge in the bedroom, I kind of... well, I kind of did a little bit of research.”

“You did?” His voice fills with wonder. “Really?”

“Well, yeah. I mean, I wanted to make sure that our time together was as good for you as it is for me. I did say when we made this arrangement that I wanted to learn how to please my partner too, and that’s what I’m going to do tonight. So, I won’t ask you what you need or what you want, I’ll do my best to read your emotions and body language. We can use the traffic light system, and if it’s something you don’t like, then just say red, and I’ll stop. But if there is something you want me to do, at any point in time, all you have to do is ask, and I’ll be more than happy to do my best.”

“Wow,” he breathes out, emotion caught in his voice that makes my heart skip a few beats faster. “You’re willing to do all this for me?”

“Of course.” I smile.

“But why?”

“Because you deserve to be comfortable too. I don’t want you to do things that you don’t enjoy or change who you are just to please me.”

“You're amazing, Sweetheart, you know that?”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“Excuse me, sir,” the driver says, rolling down the privacy window. “Are you staying or leaving?”

“Shit, sorry,” Declan mutters, then looks at me.

“We’re leaving,” I answer, my eyes still on Declan’s. He grins widely and slips on his black mask as I slip on my red and gold one.

Hand in hand, we walk around the warehouse to the entrance. “Before we go in there,” I start. “I should let you know, I’m nowhere near as knowledgeable about the proper BDSM practices. I just don’t want to upset you or anything if I do this wrong.”

“It’s alright.” He smiles softly. “We can take things slow. You don’t have to do anything crazy, just... take the lead?”

“I can do that.” I bite my lower lip. “But how about a few drinks and maybe some dancing to get rid of these nerves we both clearly have.”

“Yeah, I like that idea.” He chuckles.

Declan knocks and gives his password. As we walk toward the elevator, I’m filled with giddy excitement. The first two times I’ve come here, I didn’t really get to see the club. We were here for business, and they had no desire to stop and socialize with me. While I’m more than okay with that, because I’ve left here satisfied with our unique deal both times, I do want to see the rest of the club. I want to see what these guys have created.

Plus, I like just being with Declan, hanging out with him. Out of all the guys, he’s the most comfortable to be around. I enjoy his soft side, his sweet smiles, and kind words. He makes my stomach flutter, and it’s like I’m a lovestruck teenager.

I know I’m treading in dangerous waters with these guys, but every passing day I seem to care less and less about the fact that I can’t have them past this deal, unless I’m willing to be something to pass the time until they’re obligated to be with their betrothed.

And by that time, I’d be so far gone with my feelings for them, I’d be setting myself up for major heartache.

After this is done, I should just take Collin up on his offer and be his girl. But the thing is, I don’t just have feelings for him.Would that be fair?I’m thinking way too far ahead.

My mind needs to be here, in this moment, with this sweet man who I’m very dedicated to giving a good night. While I’m not the most experienced with sex, the experiences I have had with these guys have given me a little bit more confidence.

I’m going to try not to overthink things and go with the moment.

As we ride down, my heart is beating so fast I feel a little dizzy. I look up at the same time Declan looks down. We smile, and a little laugh slips free from the both of us.

As soon as the doors open again, music fills the silent space.

One thing I noticed about Declan, while he’s not a very take charge kind of guy, his shy sub ways are more reserved for the bedroom.

While his hand is still in mine, he leads me to the bar and orders us a drink. I take a moment to look around.

Heat floods my body as I’m reminded that this isn’t a regular club where people come to drink and dance.