Page 79 of Tantalizing Kings

She gives me a forced smile. “It was after you left. The losing them part.” She shrugs. “Mom tried to get me a new pair, but couldn’t find them anywhere. Not that it matters, they wouldn’t have been the same, because they wouldn’t have been from you.”

She steps over to the pool table and places her can of soda on the side before getting the balls out of the pockets.

While she does that, I go over to my laptop and send my friend a quick email.

“You ready?” she asks.

My head pops up. “To beat that sexy little ass? Oh, yeah. In more ways than one.”

She rolls her eyes but smiles. “Come on, Mr. Big Talker.”

I grin, shutting my laptop and hurrying over to her. “Let’s make this game a little more fun.”

“Okay...” She narrows her eyes. “How?”

“By making it a game out of a game.”

“I’m not playing a pool version of strip poker, if that's what you're getting at.” She crosses her arms.

“Well, I wasn’t, but now I am.” I chuckle.

“Collin,” she says in a warning tone, making my cock twitch.Fuck, I love it when she says my name.

“I’m just joking, Lollipop.” I grin, taking the rack and setting up the balls. “If I get a ball in, you answer a question truthfully. And vice versa. That gives us a chance to get to know each other better again.”

“Alright, that doesn’t sound too bad,” she agrees, but the way it comes out sounds like she's not too sure. Smart girl.

We grab our cue sticks and I break, sinking a ball right off the bat.

“Not fair.” She laughs.

“Fair is fair.”

“Fine. Shoot.”

“Do you want kids?”

Her eyes widen. “Getting deep already, I see.” She blows out a breath. “Yeah. I’d like a few. But not until I’m done with school. I want to work a few years before settling down. Babies are a lot of work.”

“Don’t worry. I’d help out all the time. Anything you need, I got you.” I wink.

She laughs again. “You're crazy.”

“Only about you. Your turn.” I wave toward the balls.

She gets in position, her pert little ass rising up as she leans over. I bite my lip, wishing it was her ass cheek.

“Yes!” she cheers, and my eyes snap up.

“You got one in?”

“Yes,” she sighs. “Are you not paying attention?”

Oh, I am... just not to the game. “Hit me with your best shot.”

“You told me why you left, but why didn’t you contact me?”

“I wanted to. I really did.” I step closer. “But I knew that it would just make things harder. Being away from you was bad enough, but having you in my life and not being able to see you would be torture. You are my best friend, Sadie. It’s not healthy for a teenage boy to want to spend all their time with a ten year old.”