Page 31 of Tantalizing Kings

My eyes widen, and my pussy clenches as I watch him take a step back while bringing his fingers to his mouth. He sucks them in and growls, his eyes flashing with hunger as he licks my release off.

“So fucking good. I’ll make sure to use this hand tonight.” He gives me a devilish grin before taking another step back. “Be a good girl for me, Sadie. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He winks, then takes off around the corner, leaving me there flushed, out of breath, and still turned on.

A few things I know for sure; I do not regret asking the Host Club for help, and I need more of whatever that was. I can’t even lie, I’m addicted. I needmore.

It’s like he just opened Pandora’s box.

This isn’t like me. I’ve never given in to my friend’s crazy ideas before. But this one, even though it’s crazy, really fucking crazy, I’m glad I let them corrupt me this time.

I can’t believe I wasted so much time with Raymond. I’m starting to think that even if I did have the courage to voice my needs, to help guide him to what feels good for me, he wouldn’t have accepted it. He would have let it hurt his ego and made a big deal over it.

One time I suggested we try a different position. He turned me down and said he didn’t like it like that. It was always about him and what he wanted.Neverabout me.

What just happened, though? Grayson got nothing in return. He made sure he left me feeling satisfied as fuck, and it feels good. It feels good to be put first. For someone to care about my needs.

The crunching of rocks has my head snapping over to my left. My eyes widen as I find Preston and Declan a few feet away.Fuck. Did they see? Did they stay and watch? Or did they show up just now?

Preston stares at me with a look I don’t quite understand before letting out a huffed chuckle. “This is going to be fun.” He shakes his head and takes off toward the door.

So, they did see. They caught us and watched. Shame fills me with how much I like that. My cheeks burst into flames and I take off, quickly walking in the direction of my cottage.

“Sadie, wait up!” Declan calls after me.God, please go away. I’m embarrassed enough.“Sadie!” his voice sounds closer. “Stop.”

Tears fill my eyes, but I don’t know why. I stop and look up at him. He’s a little out of breath from running, but when he sees my face, he softens. “Hey.” He steps closer. “Are you okay? Did Grayson hurt you?”

“No,” I sniff. “God, I feel like an idiot. I don’t even know why I’m crying.”

He puts his hands on my shoulders. “You’re allowed to feel, you know.” He smiles. “Can I ask you something?” I nod. “Has anyone touched you like Grayson just did?”

I hesitated before shaking my head. “No. It’s why I asked you guys to show me. To teach me.”

“It’s not uncommon to get emotional after sex. Or even during sex. It’s new feelings, new sensations your body isn’t used to. Pleasures you’re having for the first time. Did he make you feel good?”

“Yes,” I whisper, my eyes falling to his lips when he licks them, making them shimmer.

“That’s good. That means we’re doing our job.” He chuckles. “Although, it’s just like Grayson to not play by the rules. We were hoping to start this in a more controlled environment rather than outside in the open.” He grins.

“I don’t know why I’m embarrassed. I’m literally hiring you to have sex with me.” I groan at my words. “God, hearing that out loud sounds so bad. I’m such a loser. Who pays people to make them feel good?”

“You’re not a loser.” Declan gives my shoulders a squeeze. “And a lot of people hire others for stuff like this. There are clubs just for that. You might think it’s men paying women, but trust me, it’s the other way too.”

My eyes narrow. “You sound like you know a lot about sex clubs.”

He lets out a surprised laugh. “Oh, Sweetheart. I know more than you think.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder. “Let me walk you home.”

Does he go to sex clubs?I don’t know how I feel about that. Does he pay women to sleep with him? I don’t see how any of them would need to pay for sex. I’m sure girls are throwing themselves at their feet for the chance. I’ve seen as much in the Host Club with the clients.

We start to walk toward my house, the silence heavy between us. “It’s weird, right?” I ask.

“What is?” He looks down at me.

“That I asked this of you guys. I know we don’t really know each other, but...” I look away. “We’re not exactly strangers. It was my friends’ idea. I was still messed up about finding Raymond cheating on me. And I was surprised you guys said yes. I thought you all—not hated me, but I didn’t think you liked me. And I know I’m not bad to look at, but there are so many other girls in this school that are better looking than me. It’s like I’m torturing myself.” I let out a humorless laugh. “Because the fact is, if I didn’t offer you some kind of payment in return, you wouldn’t have wasted your time on me.”

“Hey.” He stops me. “Don’t. Don’t even think like that.” He cups my face, making my breath catch in my throat. “Let’s get something straight. What you asked us to do, we don’t do. Never have. But we made an exception because it was you. And we would have gladly done it for free. Still would, if it wasn’t for Preston needing some form of payment from you because it’s his own fucked up way of justifying having something he shouldn’t.Weare the lucky ones. Anyone would jump at the chance to be with you, Sadie.”

I don’t believe his words, and I hate that I’m letting my own insecurities get to me. I guess Raymond really did a number on me after all with my self-worth and confidence. Like I wasn’t good enough.