Page 12 of Tantalizing Kings

“That's not what I meant,” I squeak, refusing to open my eyes.

“So you're not accusing us of prostitution?” Preston asks.

My eyes fly open. “No! No, that's not what I meant.”

“And what exactly did you mean, Sadie?” Grayson asks, finding this all highly amusing.

“You know my name?”

He chuckles. “Of course, I do. Sadie Evans,” he says my name as a damn purr. Holy hell.

“I have better things to do than sit around and listen to a girl babble. Tell us why you're here or leave,” Preston urges.

“Gee, fine already. Who pissed in your cornflakes?” I deflect, but blush when Declan snorts a little laugh, earning a glare from Preston. “This isn’t easy for me to admit, but I need your assistance. I would like to hire you guys to help me...” I trail off, playing with the hem of my skirt, not able to meet any of their eyes. “Gain some confidence.”

“You seem pretty confident to me,” Grayson counters.

My eyes remain on my skirt. “Not with people.” I clear my throat and lower my voice to a near whisper. “With guys. In the bedroom.”

Everyone is silent, and I just want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Grayson asks.

I sigh heavily. “I want to become more confident in the bedroom. I want to explore my body with a partner and find out what I like, what I need, okay?” I grumble.

“Am I hearing her right?” Grayson asks the guys, practically ignoring me for a moment.

“So, you're asking us to fuck you, so you can cheat on your boyfriend?” Preston scoffs.

“It’s not cheating if we broke up,” I snap, my eyes darting up to his. “He cheated on me. Slipped and his dick fell into your fiancée.” My eyes widen in shock at my words, my hand slapping over my mouth.Shit. I didn’t mean to say that.He just pisses me off.

Did I mention that Tina just so happens to be Preston’s fiancée? Arranged to be married from birth, from what I heard.

If the news of his fiancée sleeping with other men bothered him, he doesn't show it. “Why am I not surprised?” he sighs, shaking his head. “Tina really will fuck anything that moves.”

“You're better off without him,” Grayson says. “He was always a tool.”

“Yeah, a tool who didn’t know how to use his,” I mutter, looking back down at my hands.

“Even if we could do what you're asking us to do, it’s a daily rate of a thousand dollars. Is that something you can afford?”

My stomach drops, disappointment filling me. “No,” I whisper, getting to my feet. “Sorry to waste your time.”

“Wait!” Declan shouts as I start to walk away. “What if you can work off your debt, would that be something you are interested in?”

“Declan. What the hell? No,” Preston growls.

I turn around to face him as he continues. “Be... be like our personal assistant. Whatever we need, you do or get for us. In return, we will help you in whatever way we think needs work.”

“I thought you don’t sleep with your clients?” I ask softly.

“We don’t...” Declan looks at the guys, and I’m not all convinced that he’s telling the truth. “At least, not for money.” Grayson snorts, earning a glare from Declan.

“Yeah. Work for us, and we will help you with anything... not sexual. And anything that is, call it a bonus. Free of charge.” He gives me a sexy smirk as he looks me up and down. “A very good bonus indeed.”

“No,” Preston declines, shaking his head. “Not happening.”

“Fine.” I turn back around. I won’t beg them. I’m not desperate. “I’m sure someone in this school will be willing to help me.”

“Wait,” Preston grinds out, and I can almost hear his jaw crack. “Fine,” he growls. “You start Monday. Now go, we have paying clients to deal with right now.”