Page 65 of Tainted Hearts

At this point, I’m just expecting new shit to pop up. Would it be stupid to think otherwise?

Now, how the hell am I going to process the fact that my dad is mated to Zed’s mom? I don’t think this is what they meant by “keeping it in the family.”

Chapter 17


“Everything is goingto be fine,” Isaac reassures as he hands me my bag.

“How do you know? What if she hates what I have planned? It’s too much, isn’t it?” I look at him with worry in my eyes. I’m so nervous to go away with Abby. I have a weekend planned in another realm, and it was not easy to pull together. There are perks to being the son of an archangel, and I’m not ashamed to use them.

Isaac chuckles. “Babe, she’s going to love it. Not just because of where you're taking her, but because it’s you who is taking her.”

My eyes narrow. “You’ve become so sweet lately. I like it, but it also kind of freaks me out.”

“Get used to it.” He grins. “I’m not the angry asshole I was before. Sure, I’m still depressed as fuck at times; but with all of you at my side, I know I’ll be okay.”

“You will.” I step into him, putting my hand behind his head and pulling him in for a kiss. “It’s us, forever.”

Placing his forehead to mine, he sighs. “I want Abby to be a part of that.”

“I know you do. We all do. It will happen in time. I already see things changing between you two.”

He groans. “It’s so weird being around her. Most of the time I want to just get down on my knees, telling her over and over how much I’m sorry and beg her to forgive me. And then there are other times where I want to slam her up against the wall, spin her around, and fuck her until she’s screaming my name. This bond shit really fucks with your head.”

“Damn, baby, stop,” Luke groans, stepping up behind me. I can feel his hard cock against my ass. “With that kind of dirty talk, Noah won't be leaving any time soon.”

“Oh, don’t you worry, I’ll be taking care of you once he leaves.” Isaac gives Luke a cocky smirk.

“And I’m going to miss it.” I chuckle.

“Babe.” Luke kisses the side of my neck. I sigh happily and lean back into him. I’m going to miss these two, but I know I’m going to have fun with Abby... I hope. “You're the luckiest of the three of us. A whole two days away with our girl.”

“Are you sure it’s not too much?”

They both chuckle. “No! Now get going.” Luke slaps my ass making me laugh.