We clean up and get dressed. Abby stops me before we head outside. “I love you, Leo. All of you. No more space, no more hiding who you are. You’ve shown me it’s okay to be a demon, and I’m telling you the same.”
“Okay.” I kiss her forehead. “I love you too, Starbright. So fucking much.”
I would die for this woman. I would kill for her too. There really isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. She’s my everything, and that will never change.
Chapter 14
I’ve been in a miserablemood all fucking day. Knowing I hurt Abby has been eating away at me. I was stupid; I’ll admit I was wrong. I didn’t think Tilly would be an issue, but I should have known better.
She’s always been crazy and lives for drama. It’s why I wanted to try and handle things my way. I knew Tilly wouldn’t shy away from being rude to Abby. I’ve seen her make people cry just from her words.Fuck, I really can’t believe I ever dated her. She’s a horrible person.
I also should have known Abby can handle herself, but I guess the thought of seeing yet another person throw insults at her made me want to protect her like I couldn’t do while she was at school.
“What were you and Leo arguing about before?” my brother asks me. He’s been sitting there the whole night and hasn’t said a word.
“Fuck off,” I mutter, taking a swig of my bottle of beer. My cock twitches in my pants as I hear Abby scream again. Some people can hear her over the music, and I snarl, giving them a death glare. “Mind your own fucking business!” I shout. They snap their heads away from the direction Abby is and go back to dancing.
“Okay,” Isaac sighs and tries for something else. “Wanna tell me why you showed up to my place covered in blood?”Because I fucked up.I don’t have to be a dick. He’s trying, and I should be too.
Taking a drag of my joint, I look over at him. “I fucked up,” I say, and blow the smoke right in his face. He doesn’t move, just glares at me. “I kept something from her when I should have trusted her to be able to handle it.”
“What was it?”
I look back out to the crowd, my eyes finding Frankie dancing with my sister and her mate. “My ex, the one you fucked.” I shoot a sideways glance at him, waiting long enough to see him cringe. “She came sniffing around. Thought she could win me back or some shit.” I put the joint out, feeling it hit my system and pull out my pack of smokes, lighting one up. Taking a deep drag, I sigh, closing my eyes. “Waste of her time because the moment I found out Abby was mine, all other women became dead to me.”
“So, what did Abby do? Beat you up?” he snorts.
I shoot him a glare. “No, that was my blood-sucking best friend who did that honor.”
“I don’t like her,” Isaac says, looking over at Frankie. As if she can hear him, Frankie looks over at Isaac and gives him a toothy smile, fangs and all, before raising her hand. She does this cranking motion with her other hand—her middle finger slowly rising until it’s flipping Isaac off.
“I fucking love her.” I cackle as Isaac mutters something about her being crazy. “She doesn’t like what you did to Abby.”
“She seems pretty protective over someone she just met a week ago.”