“What were you going to ask me?” I ask, giving him all of my attention, just in case he didn’t want to say it in front of Leo and Zed.
“I was wondering if you would save me a dance?” he says it with this bashful look on his face.Ugh, this man is just too cute.
“Of course, I will.” I give him a beaming smile. I can see his worry melt away at my words. “I’ll find you later, okay? I’m going to hang out with Leo for most of the night. He’s been really good about me spending time with you guys, but I can tell he needs me.”
“Of course.” Noah nods. “I understand. It’s a lot to deal with and a lot of changes.”
“Thank you for being so patient with me.” I lean up on my toes to kiss him on the cheek. “I’m excited about our date, you know.”
“Me too.” He gives me a soft smile.
“When is that exactly?” I laugh.
“I wanted to wait until after Christmas, if that’s alright?”
“I can’t wait.” I kiss him again, and I love the face he makes as I catch him off guard. “Your mates are waiting for you.” I nod toward the door where Luke and Isaac stand.
“Our mates.” He chuckles, giving me a kiss on the cheek this time. His lips are warm and when he moves away, the feeling lingers on my skin.
Turning around, I go back over to Leo and Zed.
“Ready to head inside?” Zed asks.
“Yup, only not with you.” I grin.
“Why not?” he growls.
“Because, I’m with him tonight,” I say, pointing to Leo.
“Me?” he asks, brows rising.
“Yup. Be my date for the night?”
“Hell yeah, Starbright.” Leo grins. “My sexy mate all to myself tonight. I sure do like the sound of that.”
“Don’t get too comfortable,” Zed mumbles.
“Whatever, Angel Boy.” Leo chuckles as he tosses his arm around my shoulder. “I got myself a hot date. Which, by the way, Abby, you look fucking amazing.” Leo gives me a heated look as he stares down at me. “But, that’s nothing new.”
Yeah, I think this is going to be a fun night after all.