Page 44 of Tainted Hearts

“I know.” I give her a sad smile. “We’re working on it. It’s going to take a little more time, but the more I get to know the real Isaac, the easier it is to accept that he’s my mate.”

“Are you going to rescind the bond rejection?”

“Yes,” I say, admitting it to myself for the first time. “But not anytime soon.”

“I understand that.” She sighs heavily. “I hope Zed and Isaac can put their differences behind them. I think Isaac could use a good big brother.”

“I think they’re on the right track for that.” I grin, remembering their conversation. “He’s already protective of his little brother.”

“Good.” She giggles. “Family means the world to Zed.”

“That’s something we have in common.”

“Ready to go?” Libby asks, bouncing into the kitchen.

“Damn, Libby. You look both sexy and adorable at the same time. Zack is going to have to pick his jaw up off the ground,” I compliment, taking in her outfit for the night.

“Thank you,” she says, giddy as she does a little spin. She’s in a corset dress that flows a little bit at the hips. Her hair is down and curled but there’s two little buns at the top of her head and two curled pieces of her bangs hanging down.

“Maybe I should have put a little bit more effort into my look.” I laugh. My hair is similar to Libby’s, up in messy space buns, my bangs like hers. I’m in a tight black dress with a slit that goes up to my hip, and my boobs look fantastic too.

“You look perfect.” Frankie steps into the room, and my mouth goes dry. If anyone was to look like Jessica Rabbit, it’s Frankie right now. The way that dress hugs her curves has me sweating.

“Thanks.” I swallow thickly. Libby gives me a look, and I have to turn away to hide my blush. “Thanks for the tea, Megan. I’ll see you in a few days for Christmas supper. I’ll ask the guys about coming. Oh, and also, would it be okay if my dad comes?”

Her eyes widen. “Lucifer. Here? In my house?”

“If it’s not okay, that’s fine–”

“No, no, it’s fine, it’s just my house... it's not meant for someone of his... status.”

I can’t help but giggle. “Your house is lovely, as are you. He won’t care about stuff like that.”

“Are you sure?” she asks with a furrowed brow.

“I’m sure.” I smile.

“Then yes, of course.”

“Thanks.” I give her a hug, lingering for a moment. Her hugs are the best, a motherly touch I’ve never known. I could easily call her mom, and have caught myself a few times almost letting it slip.

I let Libby take the front seat with Frankie. Mostly because I need a little space from her. The more I’m around her, the more I feel things that have guilt eating me up inside.

I’m drawn to her; there’s this pull, a lot like the one I’ve felt for the guys. It terrifies me. It’s crossed my mind that maybe if I touch her, she will end up being my mate.

I don’t know if I could deal with that right now. With everything going on with Isaac, getting to know Luke better, and starting to share moments with Noah—who I still haven’t had my date with yet—it’s a lot.

But then again, I’m probably overthinking it, and I just have the hots for her. Is that wrong of me? To be into someone who isn’t my mate? Yeah, I’m going to need to talk to Zed about his best friend. It might be a little weird. I feel like Leo wouldn’t mind, he’s always been on board with anything as long as I’m happy.

There I go again, overthinking because who even knows if Frankie would want anything more than friendship with me. Sure, I can tell she’s attracted to me; I see the way she looks at me. But something more? While I’m mated to five guys? Would she want to share? Would she ask to have me all to her self? Would—


I jump in my seat and shake my head out of my thoughts. “Sorry, what?”

Libby laughs. “We're here, babe. And there’s a group of guys waiting outside for you.”

My head snaps over to the window to see Zed leaning against a car, Leo standing next to him. Luke, Isaac, and Noah are not far behind, standing close to another car.