Chapter 5
“Little Bird,” Zed’svoice murmurs in my ear.
“What?” I whine groggily as I shift in his lap.
He chuckles, rubbing his hand up and down my arm. “We need to get you to bed, baby, you have school tomorrow.”
“I don’t wanna go home.” I snuggle deeper into his chest, not wanting to leave his warmth.
“You don’t have to.” He kisses the top of my head. “You and Leo can sleep here.”
“What about Frankie?” I ask, eyes fluttering open.
Zed looks down at me, brows creasing. “Are you alright if she crashes in Libby’s room?”
At first, the idea of another woman, one that I just met, staying under my mate’s roof filled me with a jealous possession. But as the night went on, and the more I got to know Frankie for myself, it was easy to see that the relationship between her and Zed was more of a best friend or even a brother and sister bond. So that nasty feeling went away.
“I don’t mind,” I tell him. If she didn’t stay, she would have nowhere to go. The admissions office doesn’t open until tomorrow, so there would be no way for her to get into her dorm.
I can't believe that my dad sent her here. Not that I’m really upset about it, Frankie is actually a pretty cool person. Maybe it’s not a bad thing. Zed seems happy about having his friend back, and I really enjoyed talking with her.
Just wish my dad would understand that I don’t need this much protection. But I also see where he’s coming from. He seems really worried about everything I told him regarding Michael. I know he wanted to tell me to come back to Hell. He didn’t though, knowing I would have flat out refused.
I’m not running from this. I plan on finding out just what kind of sketchy shit that man is up to and put a stop to it.
Michael is a sick, evil man in my eyes. I’m really fucking pissed off he’s an archangel because he deserves to be in Hell, just like all the other scum of the earth.
“Come on, Starbright, let’s get you to bed.” Leo holds out a hand for me, pulling me to my feet.
“I’ll go get Frankie settled.” Zed stands and kisses my lips softly. “I love you, Little Bird,” he growls.
“I love you too.” I smile softly up at him.
“How are you doing?” Leo asks, pulling me into his arms.
“It’s a lot,” I admit, sighing heavily. “I don’t know if I want to hate Isaac anymore, but I can’t forgive him for what he did. At least not any time soon.”
“You don’t have to hate him.” Leo kisses the tip of my nose. “It doesn’t make you weak if you stop hating him. No one said you had to.”