Page 92 of Tainted Hearts

I burst out laughing. “You're kidding me, right? What did you think would happen? I’d lose control over my car and crash?”

“Well... yeah,” Noah’s old Heather admits.

“Shut up, Heather!” the other two both shout at the same time.

“You do know I can’t die, right?” I blink at her, then look to the other two. “Any cuts or bruises I’d get would be gone just as fast as I got them.”

“See... no harm, no foul,” Heather states. “Now delete that clearly edited video, and we’ll call it even. We won’t mess with Abby anymore.”

“Oh, I know you won't.” Isaac chuckles “Because no, I won’t be deleting this video. And no, it’s not edited, and you damn well know it. But what I am going to do is threaten you.” Isaac steps closer to Heather, trapping her against the car. “If you fuck with Abby again, I will end you. If you so much as look her fucking way, I will send this video to everyone, including your parents. I will ruin you. Do you understand me?” His voice is low, lethal, and like I said before, it’s a really bad time to be turned on.

“Y-yes.” She nods her head quickly. At least this is one smart move, realizing she’s not going to be getting out of this.

“Just to make things clear,” Isaac looks at the three of us. “None of us ever wanted you. We never planned on marrying you.” One of the Heathers goes to open her mouth but Isaac holds up his hand, silencing her. “You never loved us, you just loved the money and power that would have come with marrying us. Do us all a favor, get some self-respect and find someone you actually love, because trust me, money and power doesn't buy happiness. At the end of the day, money won’t take away the loneliness. Love is the best way to go. Now get the fuck out of here,” he barks, sending the three of them scurrying away.

“I don’t like you,” Frankie says to Isaac, making us all look at her. “But you earned some brownie points for that one.”

Isaac steps up to Frankie, and my heart drops. I really don’t want them to fight, but I know they have issues with one another. More so Frankie toward Isaac.

“I know you don’t like me. Hell, I don’t even like me. But I need you to know this—I’m not going anywhere. That woman, right there,” he points to me. “She’s mine. She’s my mate, and I will fight for her until my last breath. And there’s nothing you, or anyone else, can do to stop me.”

I watch as a slow grin takes over Frankie’s lips. “You are so much like your brother, it’s crazy. Alright, Angel Boy, you won me over.”

“What?” Isaac looks taken aback.

“Nice to see your balls dropped and you turned into a real man. About damn time.” Frankie pats him on the shoulder and turns to me. “Come on, Leo. Since you drove Abby’s car to school and it’s no longer drivable at the moment, we may as well go get Zed from work and give Abby some alone time with her newly formed mates.”

“Alright.” Leo chuckles. “Love you, Starbright.” Leo kisses me. “Be a good girl.”

“She better not be when she’s with us.” Luke jokes, making me bite my lower lip.

“What was that?” Isaac asks, stunned as we watch Leo and Frankie, two of my best friends, walk away.

“I don’t know.” I laugh. “So, wanna give me a lift home? I’m going to need to get those brakes fixed.”

“Get in, Spawny,” Luke says, opening the door to his car, which is next to mine.

I slide in, expecting him to come in after me, only it’s Isaac who takes a seat next to me. “No,” he says, taking the seatbelt from my hand and tossing it away before grabbing my hips and pulling me into his lap.

“Isaac.” I laugh as he wraps his arms around me, holding me tight.

“What?” he murmurs as he tucks his face into my neck. “You said it yourself, we can’t die from a car crash. I’ll be your seat belt.”

He kisses my neck, and my body starts to heat. “You're crazy,” I chastise, but snuggle into him deeper.

It’s like I can’t get enough of his touch, his smell, just... him. And now I’m craving the other two just as much now that our bonds are all connected. Like Isaac was the missing link.

“If loving you makes me crazy, then, babe, all of us belong in a psych ward.”

And just like that, my heart explodes.


“Istill don’t thinkthis is fair,” Luke mutters as he takes off his last piece of clothing. All three of them are sitting around the poker table they have in the basement, butt-ass naked.

Only we’re not playing poker because I don’t know how to play. So I suggested a game I almost never lose at called Seven Up.

It’s also a game they’ve never played, but when I explained how, they were confident that it sounded easy.