Page 81 of Tainted Hearts

Isaac and the others step out of Abby’s room, and Michael stops. “You're dead to me,” Michael sneers.

“Same goes for you,” Isaac replies, but I see the pain in his eyes. Makes me want to fucking push this asshole down the stairs. Sadly, he won’t break his neck if I did, but it would be funny to watch.

Michael scoffs, shaking his head. “Such a waste.”

“Get fucked, you sack of shit!” Abby yells from behind the guys.

“Stupid whore!” Michael calls back. “Your mother was right to leave you with your monster of a father.”

Fuck it. I lift my foot and with all my force shove it into Michael’s back. He jolts, his hands flying out to catch himself, but he doesn’t have enough time and goes head first down the stairs, his stuff tumbling down after him.

“Fuck, that was gold,” Frankie cackles.

I grin over at her. “Worth it.” We high five before turning back to the others. The door slams shut a second later.

“How did you get him to leave?” Isaac asks.

Pulling out my phone, I show him and everyone else the video.

“Eww. No, gross, stop!” Abby shouts, covering her eyes. “Warn a girl next time.”

“Sorry, Little Bird.” I chuckle.

“How long have you had that?” Abby asks, peeking through her fingers.

“Christmas,” I grimace.

“Zed!” she shouts.

“I know, baby, I’m sorry. I was going to show you all sooner; I wasn’t meaning to keep it a secret, but with everything going on, it really did slip my mind.”

“Fine.” She glares at me. “So, what? You used this video to blackmail him?”

“Yup.” I smirk.

“Isaac, don’t hate me, but your brother is really turning me on right now.” Luke chuckles. “That’s so genius, it’s making my cock hard.”

“Here, watch this,” Noah says, showing him the video.

“And now it’s soft as a cookie. Thanks.” Luke looks ready to puke.

“You're welcome.” Noah grins with a chuckle.

“So... he’s really gone? He won’t come back?” Isaac asks.

“Nope. Not if he wants to keep his perfect reputation.” I wink. “Oof.” Isaac practically tackles me in a hug. My eyes widen as I’m taken by surprise.

“Thank you.” Isaac sighs, his voice thick with emotions.

“Yeah...” I wrap my arms around him, meeting Abby’s watery stare and happy smile. “You're my brother.”

Abby mouthsI love you,and I grin.

This Isaac isn’t the cocky fucker I met before. I know that part of him is still there under all the hurt and pain. After he heals, he’ll find himself again.

I’m glad we have this second chance at being brothers. At being there for one another. I hate that the reason why we weren't was because of the man who should have been there for the both of us; but in the end, he didn’t care about anyone but himself.

It’s no loss to me, but I know Isaac had some good moments with him, and even though Michael is a monster I know he’s going to miss those.