Page 57 of Tainted Hearts

Abby breaks her kiss with Luke, her lips red and swollen. She looks at the plate, eyes going wide, then up to Isaac. “Thank you,” she says softly.

“You’re welcome.” Isaac smiles back.

This isn’t the guy I’m used to. Before we found out, he was this arrogant asshole who had a mouth to back it up. Now he looks so broken, so defeated.

And by the looks on Noah and Luke’s faces as Isaac walks back over to the stove, they see it too.

We eat breakfast, everyone making small talk. It doesn’t feel like Christmas here. There’s not a single decoration. A part of me is a little jealous of Libby, Frankie, and my mom right now. I know she’s going all out for them. It’s what Mom does.

I know we could have slept at my place, ate there, then come here, but Abby was so worried about what time the dads would show up. She didn’t want to be gone and leave them open targets, especially Isaac. I agreed, I didn’t want Isaac to be alone when they arrived.

The other two dads might seem reasonable, but Michael isn’t. He would have found a way to get Isaac alone, but not with me around.

We don’t end up seeing any of them until noon. It’s weird because all three of them, as well as Abby’s mom, come in together. Abby’s mom is normally here before the men, getting everything perfect.

“Show time,” Isaac mutters as we shift our attention away from the TV to look at each other.

Abby take’s Isaac’s hand. “We got you.”

Isaac relaxes a little. “Thanks.”

Getting up, we head into the foyer. My brows furrow as I see Luke and Noah’s dads talking to each other, but what has my hackles rising is how Michael is with Abby’s mom. She looks like she has fear in her eyes as Michael whispers angrily to her.

“Merry Christmas,” I say in a booming tone.

All of their heads snap over to us.

“What are you doing here?” Michael asks, giving me a dirty look.

“Didn’t you know, dear old Pops, I pretty much live here now?” I give him a wicked grin as I wrap my arm around Abby’s shoulder.

Michael shoots daggers over to Isaac. “So, you're letting him stay here now?”

“I’m letting him,” Abby speaks up. “This is my house too.”

“No, little girl, this ismyhouse.” He chuckles. “And you're only here because I allow it.”

“Michael,” Abby’s mom says, placing a hand on his arm.

He throws it off him, not even bothering to look at her. She winces at the force, and I swallow a growl.Fucking dick.

“Isaac, can I talk to you alone?”

I can feel the tension in the air as everyone goes still. “No,” I answer for him.

Michael looks at me with pure hatred. He’s really not bothering to hide much of who he is anymore, is he? From the looks on Gabriel and Raphael’s faces, they look worried about what Michael might do next.Oh, how the mighty have fallen.This will be interesting. I wonder how much I can get them to break.

“I didn’t ask you. I asked my son,” he snarls.

You know, if it was anyone else, that might have hurt. “And thissonis answering for him. No. You won't be talking to him. You have something to say, say it to me.”

“Isaac,” he shouts.

“No,” Isaac says. I can hear the shaking in his voice. “I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t have anything to say to you.”

“Boy.” Michael takes a step forward.

“Okay, Pops, let’s just get this out there and save everyone some time.” I clap my hands, taking a step forward, putting the rest of them behind me. I look to Gabriel and Raphael. “You see that stunning, blonde, badass, demon princess behind me?” It’s a rhetorical question. “She’s mine and Leo’s mate, as you well know, but she’s also your son's mate. Both of your sons.”