“Hey!” Leo shouts. “You can’t just lure my mate away with sweets.”
“Can too, Sunshine! Just did it!”
Abby laughs as we take off toward the school. “Thanks for that. Don’t get me wrong, I like them all, love some of them, but sometimes there’s so much testosterone, I feel like I’m drowning.”
“Anytime you want a break, I’m here for you, babe.” I laugh as we step inside the school.
“I wanna say I’m sorry,” Abby says, looking up at me as we walk down the hall. It’s still pretty empty, class not meant to start for another twenty minutes.
“Whatever for?” My brows furrow.
“I was jealous.” She shrugs. “When you first came to Zed’s place.”
“I’m not here to steal your mate, Princess.” I chuckle.
“I know that now.” She laughs. “But it’s kind of hard not to think it, at least a little, I mean, look at you.” She waves her hand up and down at me.
“What about me?” I ask in amusement.
“You're gorgeous. I mean, you're tall and sexy, and the tattoos are hot as hell. Your hair is amazing, your eyes are hypnotizing... you could steal anyone's boyfriend or girlfriend if you wanted to.”
I stop, grinning so wide that if I felt pain easily, my face would hurt. “You think I’m sexy?”
Her eyes widen as if she just realized what she said. “I mean... I...”
“It’s okay, Princess,” I say, lowering my voice as I step closer to her. I can hear her hearts picking up alongside her breathing. “I think you're fucking stunning.”
She swallows hard, her throat bobbing as her eyes flick back and forth between mine. She’s caught in my eyes, something that easily happens when you look directly into them. It helps when you want to compel someone. I won’t do that to her, ever, unless she asks. I’m down for a little dom and sub control some day. But for now, I would never.
Before I look away, breaking the contact, I want her to understand something. “I would never try to take anyone from their lover. If anything, Abby, the only one of the two of us who has the power to bring someone under their spell is you, sweetheart.” I lick my lips, my fangs aching to taste my mate’s sweet blood.
The voices of other students nearby has me looking away. “Come on, Princess, let’s get you that cupcake.”
“Okay,” she breathes out, looking a little dazed. Pink looks good on her, it looks better on her cheeks.
Stopping outside one of the entrances to the kitchen, I look around to make sure no one is watching. “Wait here.” Using my speed, I’m in and out in ten seconds with two cupcakes in hand.
“Chocolate with blue frosting or vanilla with purple?” I ask, holding up the cupcakes.
“Blue, please.” She laughs, and I carefully place it into the palm of her outstretched hand, making sure I don’t touch her. But damn it, it’s like my body knows. Just a millimeter from her, and I feel the hum inside me.
For a moment, I think Abby can feel it too, but then she’s digging into the cupcake, pulling off the wrapper and taking a bite. She moans and my pussy aches at the sound. “So good.” She sighs. “The chocolate are always gone by the time I get to them.”
“No more missing out now that I’m here.” I grin, biting my lower lip as I smother a laugh at the blue frosting on the tip of her nose. I want to pull her into my arms, lick it off, then chase the taste with her lips.
I’m no better than Zed when it comes to her. She’s addicting, and I have yet to even taste her.
The bell rings, and I curse it for taking the only alone time I’ve had with Abby so far. I miss her when she’s gone, finding myself using any chance I can to talk to her. I’m whipped, fallen hard already, and I don’t care. I’m hers.
“We better get going,” she says, wiping the frosting off her nose. “Thanks for this, by the way.” She holds up the half-eaten cupcake.
“Anytime, Princess.” I grin. “We better get you back to that mate of yours before he loses his mind.”
She rolls her eyes, a smile playing on her lips. “He would die without me.”
I’m sure he would.