“I feel bad, you know? Sure, he’s been a royal dick to me, but he had it so much worse behind closed doors. Some harsh words are nowhere near as bad as being beaten by someone who’s supposed to protect you.” A tear slips down my cheek. Leo brushes it away using his thumb.
“Tomorrow is a new day. There’s a lot that’s happened in a short amount of time, and I know we’re still all trying to wrap our heads around it. But why don’t you try to start over? Get to know the real him and not the persona he’s been putting on.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” I close my eyes, letting Leo hold me closer. “I still can’t get over the fact that I have five mates.”
“Crazy, yeah.” He chuckles. “But I think if you give them the chance to prove themselves, they could make you happy. We both know that the bond just won't go away.”
“Don’t remind me,” I grumble, remembering the pain I’ve had to endure to reject Isaac. Is that something I plan to retract now that I know the truth of why he’s been so cruel to me? I know that it’s possible to do so. But if I was to make that decision, I’d have to be sure. I’d have to know that I loved him and accepted him as a forever thing, because I don’t think I could handle the pain of rejecting him, or anyone else, again.
Not that I want to reject Noah or Luke. I actually find myself growing to like them. They’ve changed a lot and it shows. Noah is sweet and understanding, and Luke is funny and caring. I find myself excited to see what it’s going to be like dating them.
They’re my mates, and I’ve accepted that. I don’t want to hold back anymore. It’s not only the bond that wants me to give in and be with them. I want that too.
“You’re right. I think it’s best if we just start over. I’m not going to just forget what Isaac did to me, but the other two, I... would it be bad that I think I want to forgive them?”
“No, baby.” He chuckles. “It means that you're a good person and you're not letting the past control your future. They’ve changed, right?” I nod. “And their true colors are better than who they portrayed themselves to be in the past?” I nod again. “Then no,” he repeats. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing.”
Leo guides me up the stairs. I can hear Libby and Zed talking in her room, another voice mixing in to the conversion before they all start to laugh.
There’s that feeling again, jealousy, but this time it’s different. Like I want to be in on the joke. This woman is someone he was once close to, someone who seems to know a lot about him. Maybe more than I do? And what is it with her calling him Rock Star? I know he plays guitar, but is there something more?
“I gotta pee,” I let Leo know before we head into Zed’s room.
“‘Kay.” Leo kisses my temple and lets me go.
Closing the door behind me, I step in front of the mirror and my eyes widen. The woman staring back at me looks tired, worn down. This isn’t me. I have dark rings under my eyes, like I haven’t gotten sleep in weeks.
I’m tired of being unhappy about the things I have no control over. I’m tired of all the pain I have to go through. I’m tired of the lies and the secrets.
Can’t I just be happy? Can’t I just be with my mates and enjoy life?
Leaning against the sink, I close my eyes and hang my head. “Alright, universe, is there anything else you wanna throw at me?” I mumble. “Because I really don’t know how much more I can take. At least let me deal with everything else first.”
Turning on the tap, I wash my face, brush my hair and teeth with the toiletries Zed got me for my sleepovers here, and get ready for bed.
When I’m done and step out of the bathroom, Frankie is there, leaning against the wall across from me.
“Hey.” She gives me a friendly smile.
My eyes are drawn to her striking bright red ones that match her hair. It’s almost like they suck you in, never wanting to let you go. Unable to stop myself, I let my eyes roam over her. She is gorgeous. So damn pretty that if I didn’t know with my whole heart that Leo and Zed were madly in love with me and my body, I might be envious of her perfect breasts, her skinny waist, and long, slender legs that seem to go on for days. Her pale skin makes her assortment of colorful and black and grey tattoos pop. There’s no fooling myself, I find her very attractive. And that has me filling with guilt.
My eyes flick back up to hers, an unwilling blush growing on my cheeks. “Hey.”
Talking to her tonight felt so natural, like we knew each other for years. She was funny, her stories about working in Hell had me full belly laughing.
“Look, I feel like I need to say this. Me and Zed. There’s nothing there. There never will be anything but friendship. He’s an amazing guy, and I’m sure you find him drop dead sexy, but he is not my type. As in, he has a dick.” She chuckles, the husky tone sending a shiver over my spine. Even her voice and her laugh is attractive. “I just don’t want you to think that I’m going to try anything with him. He loves you, Abby.” She laughs. “He is so head over heels that there’s nothing in any realm that would ever be able to rip him away from you.”
“Thanks.” I smile, her words finalizing my comfort regarding their friendship. “I’m pretty crazy about him too.”
“I know it might be a little weird, but I hope we can be friends too.” The hope in her eyes is hard to resist.
“Me too.”
“Alright, Little Bird. You ready for bed?” Zed steps out of Libby’s room. I nod, letting him pull me into his arms. He looks at Frankie. “Everything should be good to go. Night, Blood Sucker.” He chuckles, pulling at one of Frankie’s strands of hair.
“Fuck off,” she retorts playfully, slapping his hand away.
“No fucking!” Libby shouts. “I need my beauty sleep, and I can’t do that with Abby’s moaning.”