Chapter 1
Gripping the door handleof the closet, I slowly turn it. When I get enough room, I peek my head out of the gap, looking up and down the hallway.
The coast is clear, has been for at least ten minutes, if the silence outside was any indication.
Stepping out, I close the door and lean back against it. Shutting my eyes, I take a deep breath and think of how I’m going to approach this. How do I tell my mates that their dadsarethe bad guys?
Michael is, that much we already knew, but Raphael and Gabriel too? How fucked up is it that God’s three most trustworthy men are slimier than some of the people who work for my father?
“Little Bird?” Zed’s low, husky voice has my eyes popping open. “Are you okay?”
For a moment, I wonder if he’s asking about what I just heard the dads talking about, but then I remember everything that just happened outside with Isaac.
My heart shatters all over again for him. Tears prick the back of my eyes as I stare up into Zed’s troubled ones. “Shhh,” he soothes, pulling me into his arms. I go willingly, wrapping my arms around him tightly. I inhale deeply, his scent settling me a little bit, while his touch makes my body hum in a comforting way.
“Why does life have to be so fucked up?” I murmur against his chest.
His hand rubs up and down my back as he places a kiss on the top of my head. “I don’t know, baby.” He lets out a deep sigh like he has the weight of the world resting on his shoulders. “But you have me. You have Leo. And you even have Luke and Noah. Hopefully, someday, you will have Isaac too. We will be by your side no matter what. Whatever is thrown at us, we will fight it together.”
“I hope you're right on that one,” I say, my gut turning as I peer up at him. “Because I just overheard something that’s going to make life a hell of a lot more complicated.”
His eyes darken, jaw ticking. “What did you overhear?”
Biting my lower lip, I tell him. “When I came up here, I heard yelling. Wanting to find out what was going on, I eavesdropped outside of my mom’s room. Their dads were in there, fighting about something. I only caught the tail-end of things, but it sounds like the dads had a plan of some sort. They’re afraid that what they’re doing will piss God off, and Gabriel and Raphael no longer want to do it anymore. Michael did not seem happy about it.”
I try to remember word for word what they said, relaying what I can to Zed.
“I knew Michael was an asshole, but fuck, he really is a monster,” he scoffs, shaking his head. “Whatever he’s up to, we need to find out and fucking expose him.”
“I agree, but first we need to tell the others. I don’t want to sit on this information, but I don’t know if the guys are mentally able to hear this after everything with Isaac.”
Isaac, that poor broken boy. I might not be ready to welcome him with open arms, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s my mate. And the whole reason why he’s been such a horrible person was because he’s so fucked up by the shit his father did to him.
I can’t think about working on us being mates right now, I need to put Luke and Noah first. They’ve earned it. They’ve shown me that they’re not as bad as they made themselves seem; they’ve made it up to me and want to be good mates.
Keeping this from them wouldn’t be being a good mate onmyend.
“How about we sleep on it? Give them a night to process everything they found out about their mate. In the morning, I’ll make everyone a big breakfast, and we can talk then, okay?”
“Yeah.” I nod. “That sounds good.”
With an arm wrapped around my shoulders, Zed leads me downstairs.
“Starbright.” Leo’s waiting for us by the front door. “Are you alright?”
His worried eyes search my face. I give him a half-hearted smile. “Not really. But I know I will be. I have you guys.” I look around and see he’s by himself. “Where is everyone?”
“Noah and Luke took Isaac down to the basement. Libby, Penny, and Bennett left. They said to call them if you need anything. Also, the dads all left. Didn’t even know they were here,” Leo says, scratching the back of his neck.
“About that...” I cringe.
When I’m done telling Leo everything I told Zed, he’s staring back at me with bewildered eyes and slack jawed.
“Fuck.” He lets out a breath as he runs a hand through his blond waves. “That’s... that’s messed up.”
“I’m starting to think anything involving these guys is fucked up,” I retort, rubbing my eyes. I’m tired, this whole night has taken a toll on me, both physically and emotionally.