Page 21 of Mountain Daddies

“I never said that, and it’s disgusting that you would imply that,” Ed says. Ollie and I meet each other’s gaze and chuckle. Riling Ed up is a favorite activity of ours.

“It would have been an experience, though,” Ollie muses. “Have you seen that mouth of hers? She looks like she gives good head.”

I can’t agree more. Susan has the poutiest mouth I’ve ever seen, and I have actually imagined what it would be like to have it wrapped around my cock.

“That’s enough,” Ed says, slamming his fist against the table.

“Careful, that’s our good china,” I tell him. He ignores me; Ollie just laughs some more.

“Jokes aside, she’s still our guest,” I say. “Even though it’s a shame she won’t bed us all.”

Ollie snorts. Ed glares. “You’re getting really comfortable with jokes.”

I put my hands up. “Fine. What I was saying is that she’s still our guest. We are the ones who asked her to stay when she was all but about to leave. Naturally, it’s our responsibility to see that her needs are taken care of.”

“If she has any carnal ones, I’m always available,” Ollie says, smirking.

“You are insufferable,” Ed mutters.

“Stop thinking with your dick,” I say. I pile the fruit on a separate plate, and a couple of sausages.

I distractedly check my phone even though I know what I’ll find. There’s no signal. Even though the Conservatory applications won’t open for at least a few more weeks, I’m worried.

“What are you doing?” Ed asks.

“Taking food up to her,” I say.

“Why do you get to be the one to do it?” Ollie says. I catch a hint of jealousy in his voice.

“Because I’m the nicest one around,” I say. I don’t wait for their reply and head upstairs. I knock on the door, waiting for a response. When there isn’t one, I walk inside. The door is locked from the inside, so I use my key.

I look around, and she’s nowhere to be found.

“Susan?” I call out, my heart beating fast. It’s still snowing pretty heavily outside. The last thing I need is for her to be out there, all alone.


“Yes?” a voice croaks. It takes me a moment to locate it, and I finally notice the blob underneath the blanket on the bed.

I sit on the edge of the bed. “You okay?”

There’s a moment of silence. “No,” she finally says.

“Is this about last night?” I prod.


I can’t help but laugh.

“Hey,” comes her chagrined voice, slightly muffled by the blanket. “Are you laughing at me?”

“No,” I say, trying to keep the smile out of my voice. “Just come out of the blanket.”

“I can’t,” she says.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s awkward,” she says.