Page 114 of Rule the Roost

“You’re like Travis. You always fuss over me before and after a scene.”

“I want you to be okay. That’s all I want in the world, Baby,” he breathed in my ear. “You and my children are the only things in my life that I care about.”

“I feel the same, Rick. You and the kids are my life.”

By the time Travis was carrying his sub offstage to take him for aftercare, we were fully making out, groping each other right at the table. Rick’s mouth was dominating me, his hands were roughly grabbing my dick and balls, and I held his face, his neck, letting him take over my whole being.

I lost track of time, of the crowd around me so badly that it took Burke tapping my shoulder three times before I realized he was there. “Sorry, guys.”

“Were we a spectacle?” Rick asked with an embarrassed laugh.

“We like spectacles here, Rick,” Burke assured. “In fact, we’d like one now.”

“The show!” I got up right away and took off the robe, handing it to Rick with a wink. “Let’s do this.”

Damon must have been busy as Burke took the stage to announce my second performance. “Everyone, Kanan is back for another sexy dance with our backup dancers, Troy and Ethan, so please give them a warm round of applause!

As they roared with applause, the music started, and again, I didn’t notice the crowd or the other men. All I saw, when I looked at all, was Rick.

I let the music take me, becoming a part of it that only a few could understand. As my hips and legs moved separate from my torso and arms, I felt like more than one man. There were generations inside me, dancing in their ways, in old ways that were celebrations in my people’s lives.

Dancing was a form of expression, a celebratory event, and even mourning. Maybe that’s what I was doing, all of them, celebrating my new life while mourning my last for my old life.

The men dancing with me touched my skin and I imagined it was Rick. He was there, moving in on me, letting me feel his warmth. My head fell back, and a hand was placed on my neck for only a split second before it ran down my chest and stomach, then two hands cupped my waist as I swayed quickly.

When that dance ended, Rick again was on his feet, beaming up to me brightly. I left the stage to be hugged tightly, Rick kissing me in front of the cheering crowd.

“Get that robe on and let’s take up where we left off,” he said huskily, a hand cupping my ass.

“Gotta pee,” I admitted, laughing. “I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t get lost. I’ll miss you.”

“You’re about to watch Damon taking on two porn stars. I doubt you’ll know I’m gone,” I teased, but Rick’s head turned to the stage.

“Oh? Well, it’ll keep me occupied while you’re gone.”

I hurried toward the bathrooms in the back, under the platform for the private rooms. The moment I got close, I saw the line. There were ten men waiting for the two bathrooms.

In too good of a mood to worry about it, I took a place in line and saw that most of the men ahead of me were watching the show on stage. Turning, I saw why. Sebastian was on his knees, pulling down Clover’s panties to start licking over his dick while Damon was behind Clover, arm around his throat as he growled orders to Sebastian.

I laughed, knowing Rick would be wound tight at seeing that rough play. As I turned back to the line, I was confronted with Jeffery, right there, smiling at me.

He was wearing leather pants and a T-shirt, white, pressed, and brilliantly clean. That was Jeffery, everything perfect. “Kan, I wanted to talk to you.”

“You did, over at the table with my partner, remember?”

I was curt and I hadn’t meant to be, but soon enough, I regretted not telling him to fuck off straight away. “Kan, alone, I mean. Can we…go somewhere to talk?”

“One, I’m waiting to use the restroom, and two, I no longer have any desire to be alone with you.”

“Kanan, I wanted to apologize,” he said lowly, his voice becoming annoyed.

“And now you did. Jeffery, I don’t wish anything for you except happiness, or rather, happiness that isn’t at the expense of others. Why are you already cheating?”

“What?” He took a step back then it seemed to dawn on him. “Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that.”