Page 102 of Rule the Roost

That, above all, soothed me. He was confident, sure in his dominance, making me sure in him.

The second it was pulled out of me, the pain ceased. That was the strangest part of it, after the arousal. I lifted my head, hazily seeing my beautiful Rick, rubbing his hands together. “Are you able to continue?”

I could barely speak. “Yeah,” came a hoarse whisper. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good boy,” he said cheerily as he untied the pulls and brought me to sit up so he could fuss over me a bit.

I was given water while Rick planted pecks on my shoulder. “You took that…so well.”

“Not easy, but it’s…good.”

He chuckled and asked, “Did you do that subspace thing?”

“Yes. I floated. It was incredible.”

“Good. Want more?”

There was only one way to answer that question. I leaned over and kissed him fully, putting all of myself into the kiss, grabbing his hair in my hands and keeping him there, luxuriating in the kiss.

When it was done, Rick pulled back, tears in his eyes. His emotions always shone brightly. “Yes. I want more.”

“I kinda got that,” he said, kissing my forehead. “I got that, babe.”

He held me for a while, his arms wrapped lovingly around me, his lips on my neck, his words drifting to me as he told me again how much he loved me. I wanted him, wanted him for the rest of my life. If I hadn’t gotten a grip on myself, I’d have proposed right then.

As it was, however, my Dom wasn’t finished with me. I remembered that and pulled away from him. “Sir? I’m ready.”

“Another game of hide and seek, only this time, when I find you, I’m not going to stop hurting you until I come. That’s your goal, Kanan, to make me come.”

“A challenge, Sir?”

“I suppose. Still, don’t get caught easily. Make me hunt you, Kan.”

I already had a plan ticking in my mind. “Yes, Sir. I won’t.”

“Good boy. I’m going to use the bathroom and shower. Once I get out, I’ll be hunting you. Don’t leave the house. For one thing, you’ll freeze because you’re not allowed to dress.”

I kissed him sweetly on the side of the mouth. “I’ll be good, Sir.”

“I’m sure of that.”

Once he was in the bathroom and I heard the shower, I casually got up from the bed and walked right to the closet, disappearing inside of it. I sat on the carpeted floor, waiting to hear him emerge.

It took a while, but once he was out and dressed, the whispering of this clothing on his skin tantalizing me to peek, I watched him through a tiny crack as he left the room.

I waited, unwilling to have him return to find me quickly. I knew he’d suspect I would go down the stairs or try to get into the attic again. I had different plans.

Once I was sure he was looking downstairs for me, I came out of the closet and positioned myself by the door, pressing my body to the wall right next to it. Knowing he’d eventually have to come back into the room to look, my smile grew as I imagined what he’d do once he walked into the room.

Oh, he’d be surprised, but he wasn’t the only one studying things. After he’d shown such interest when I first brought up primal play, I started looking deeper into it and the small sub-community of kinksters that enjoyed it.

To be the timid, meek prey was fine, but that wasn’t all of it. Some men hunters liked more of a challenge, and I knew Rick was one of those men. He didn’t want me to roll over every time and give in to him.

He wanted a little fight from his fuck.

So, I waited for him. He took his time, being thorough, like with everything he did. Thankfully, that was. He was a thorough lover, a thorough partner too. Nothing was halfway with the man.

When I heard the step near the top of the stairs creak, I held my breath, waiting for the padding of his bare feet to come closer. When I heard him, I made myself as flush with the wall as I could, and when he entered the room, I waited until he was in the center before I acted.