Page 72 of Ruthless Heart

“If any chatter comes up from the Di Luccio camp, and we think Baby G is at risk, C Crue reserves the right the drop the hammer. So, if you’ve got an agenda, best get to it.”

“We’re not going to wait,” I say. “But as far as I’m concerned, C Crue deserves to be paid for the role Ash played in saving Olivia’s life.”

“We’ll talk it over with C. Easy enough to settle up later,” Trick says. “Congratulations, by the way, on the new one.”

“Thanks.” I force myself to smile. I won’t be able to relax and accept congratulations from anyone until I know the new baby’s all right. “Let’s go in.”

“Have time for a drink?” Aiden asks them.

“Nah, we’ve got a few things we need to take care of, but I’ll be back in Boston this weekend with my wife and kids,” Trick says. “Why don’t I bring them by? The boys can play.”

“Sounds good,” I say as we all walk back to the house.

Through the windows, I can see that Liv and Ash are in the kitchen with Brady and they’re all smiles. Which is reassuring. I figure if something was wrong with the baby, Olivia would have signs by now.

“So, ‘BG’?” Aiden says as we reach the door. “Might be time to retire the nickname ‘baby girl.’”

“G doesn’t stand for girl,” Anvil says. “Gunslinger.”

Aiden smirks. “Nice.”

“But don’t use it, and don’t repeat it,” Trick says seriously. “That’s internal use only.”

Despite everything, I almost smile. This is an interesting twist. C Crue is all men, from top to bottom. Their partners are also all men. And now there’s a teenage girl, Trick’s own sister, slipping into the ranks. I didn’t see that coming.

* * *


A visitto a doctor seems warranted, so we go as soon as our friends leave.

Liam stands when I return from the examination room. “How did it go?” His brows are pinched together with concern.

“Great,” I say with a smile. “There’s a tiny heartbeat on ultrasound!”

“Good.” He hugs me and then we walk out. “How would you feel about a trip to Maine? You can visit your friends there, and get a break from the city.”

We stroll outside, and I notice the way his gaze travels back and forth and then up and behind us, like he’s expecting to see a sniper on the roof.

“Do you mean go on my own?”

“You and the baby. Luke and some other men would be with you as security.” He opens the car door, and I slide into the front passenger seat.

“We’d go, but you’ll stay here?”

“Yeah, at first.” He walks around and gets in.

As he’s starting the car, I say, “You wouldn’t want me to go away without you unless you were concerned about my safety.”

“I’m working some things out. When that happens, I want to be sure you’re well away from the action.”

My heartbeat kicks up a notch. “How dangerous is what you’ll be doing?”

“It’ll be fine.”

We had a long conversation about the kidnapping. I agreed to keep what happened secret and to have bodyguards with me all the time from now on. Liam also convinced me to let him track my movements through my phone. It’s unnerving, especially when I’m still processing what happened.

“I love you, Liam. And I trust you. If you think it’s not safe for Brady and me to be in Boston, we’ll leave. Couldn’t we all go, though? You, too?”