Page 68 of Ruthless Heart

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you,” Ash says, softly praying.

The men grimace and hesitate. Her voice has a haunting quality that sends chills through me.

“Shut the fuck up,” Giovanni roars.

“Blessed are you,” Ash continues. “And blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”

Darkness closes around me as I sputter for breath.

A cracking sound echoes in my ears, and we’re falling. I land on Giovanni, and his arm drops away.

There’s a cluster of gunfire, and a man cries out before there’s thethumpof someone hitting the ground.

When I sit up, my eyes dart to Giovanni. There is a bloody spot on his forehead and a halo of blood forming beneath him.

I scramble away and turn my head sharply toward the car that brought us. Ash stands a few feet from the man with the knife, her gun pointed at him. Slick from the backseat is now on the ground too, holding his bleeding leg.

“What’s your name?” Ash asks.


“Hey, Pietro,” Ash says cooly. “Slide away from your gun.”

Slick groans. “I can’t!”

“Yes, you can. Because if you don’t, I’ll have to shoot you in the head.”

The man’s eyes widen.

“I put the last one in your leg to give you a chance to do the right thing. If you decide otherwise, you can talk it over with God today.”

The man wails as he drags himself backward.

“Olivia?” Ash says in a shockingly calm voice. She’s like a teenage SWAT officer.

“Yes?” I say in a shaky voice.

“Get your purse from the car and call Liam. Tell him to call my brother to find out exactly where we are, so he can come get us.”

The big gunman tips his head back and curses. “Should’ve tossed those phones out the fucking window.”

Ash says nothing.

I scramble to the car but don’t even get to my purse before Liam and Aiden burst into the garage with guns drawn, and Luke appears from out of nowhere.

Within seconds, Luke kicks the knife away from the man on the ground and then grabs it as he continues to check the area and the cars.

“Are you all right?” Liam asks me, his gun pointing at the ground.

“Yes—Ash—” I shrug with a wild-eyed expression. “Ash.”

“Clear,” Luke barks, leaning down to check Giovanni’s neck for a pulse. When he looks up, he says, “Gone.”

Ash tips her gun sideways and presses a button. “Trick called, huh?”

“Yeah. And, girl…” Aiden says with raised brows as he glances around at the carnage.

“Yeah,” Ash says. “Dress shopping took a turn.” She leans against the car and uses the bottom of her shirt to wipe the gun off.